import { takeLatest, put, select } from 'redux-saga/effects' import { GET_COMMENT_LIST } from './actionTypes' import { fetch } from '../../../common/index' import { initCommentList } from './actionCreators' interface IAction { commentType?: string, page?: number | string } func...
然而由于Redux-Saga的复杂性,本篇文章就先暂且不谈,仅仅谈论一下Redux、React-Redux,也正是因为这一系列的库上手成本比较高,于是由蚂蚁金服推出了一个整合库dva,它整合了这3个库,同时还内置了React-router和fetch,但是从普及程度上面考虑,Redux、React-Redux还是不得不学习一下的。 那么什么时候该使用Redux,我的...
大家可能都用过react+redux+saga做项目,一个典型的react+redux+saga模块开发(示例来源于,并做了变形),有以下的步骤: 1. 编写actions 2. 编写sagas 3. 编写reducers 4. 然后将sagas,reducers引入rootSaga,rootReducers 这样才能编写一个模块。 存在如下问题...
所以推测,Redux-Saga 自身应该也是支持的。 不过有个问题是,当前版本的 TypeScript 的 yield 关键词不支持类型推断,在此例中 res 的类型将会是 any。有用 回复 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进 注册登录 推荐...
Redux-Saga with TypeScript requiresDOM.IterableorES2015.Iterable. If yourtargetisES6, you are likely already set, however, forES5, you will need to add it yourself. Check yourtsconfig.jsonfile, and the officialcompiler optionsdocumentation. ...
Redux Saga和Redux Toolkit观察器问题 RxJS Redux可观察到的史诗改进 电子-Redux,Typescript,Redux-可观察和键入的操作 使用带redux和react-redux的typescript编写原生react RxJS Redux-在史诗中可观察到的测试retryWhen TypeScript中的Redux Toolkit :添加时间戳的createAction抽象 ...
I'm ramping up on redux-saga and Typescript by working on a small project. Something I've noticed is that the return value of yield effect(...) is always any. I'm not familiar enough with the platform to understand if this is a limitatio...
Redux-Saga 是一个用于管理应用程序 Side Effect(如异步获取数据)的库,它通过使用 ES6 的 Generator 函数来使得异步流程更易于管理和测试。而 Axios 是一个基于 ...
"redux-saga": "^1.3.0", "typescript": "5.7" } } use the following tsconfig.json: { "compilerOptions": { "module": "NodeNext", "moduleResolution": "nodenext", }, "include": ["index.ts"] } simple index.ts: import createSagaMiddleware from "redux-saga"; ...
TypeScript Redux-Saga with TypeScript requiresDOM.IterableorES2015.Iterable. If yourtargetisES6, you are likely already set, however, forES5, you will need to add it yourself. Check yourtsconfig.jsonfile, and the officialcompiler optionsdocumentation. ...