An alternative side effect model for Redux apps. Contribute to redux-saga/redux-saga development by creating an account on GitHub.
Redux/Redux-saga beginner tutorial redux-saga-devtoolsPublic Saga monitor and UI devtool for redux-saga redux-saga/redux-saga-devtools’s past year of commit activity saga-queryPublic Data synchronization using a middleware system for front-end apps...
$ npm install --save redux-saga Alternatively, you may use the provided UMD builds directly in the tag of an HTML page. See this section. Usage Example Suppose we have an UI to fetch some user data from a remote server when a button is clicked. (For brevity, we'll just show the ...
大部分时候,我们将前端项目从 GitHub 克隆下来之后,便施展一套熟练的起手式:npm install && npm start。redux-saga 也是一样,package.json 文件详细记录了项目的信息:名称、版本、开源协议、代码仓库地址等,以及一个长长的依赖列表。后面介绍的工具都会出现在该依赖列表中,运行npm install时,npm 会将这些依赖安装到...
import'regenerator-runtime/runtime'// thenimportsagaMiddlewarefrom'redux-saga' Building examples from sources $ git clone $cdredux-saga $ npm install $ npmtest Below are the examples ported (so far) from the Redux repos. ...
The other difference is that you need to setup your own watcher that will act on the AUTHENTICATE_REQUESTED in this example, and return either AUTHENTICATE_SUCCESS or AUTHENTICATE_FAILURE. Here's what it should look like: ./web/sagas/auth.js import { socketEmit } from 'redux-saga-sc' ...
function*someSaga(){// yield 一个 promise 应该返回 promise resolve 的值constresponse=yieldfetch('')// yield 一个 take effect 应该返回一个 Actionconstaction=yieldtake('SOME_ACTION')// yield 一个 all effect 应该返回一个数组,该数组记录了 effect1 或 effect2 的执行结果cons...
GitHub地址: Pub地址: 我用的是0.3.X的版本,算是第三版,相对于前几版,改动较大 引入fish_redux插件,想用最新版插件,可进入pub地址里面查看 代码语言:txt AI代码解释 fish_redux: ^0.3.4 ...
This is a small example of"one-way data flow": State describes the condition of the app at a specific point in time The UI is rendered based on that state When something happens (such as a user clicking a button), the state is updated based on what occurred ...