最临近的火车、地铁或公交站是Warszawa Reduta Ordona,距离华沙瑞杜塔希尔顿欢朋酒店237.85米。 沃赫德 华沙市中心 华沙汉普顿酒店 (Hampton Inn Warszawa) 酒店住宿设施服务 健身中心 餐厅 酒吧 无障碍设施 上网服务 休闲娱乐 清洁度和安全 餐饮服务设施 便利服务设施 ...
54, made famous to Polish culture owing to Adam Mickiewicz's poem 'Reduta Ordona' (Ordon's Redoubt), was apparently located during the Warsaw Battle of September 1831. One is accustomed to believe that the piece has more fabrication to it than historic truth. However, comparison of ...
Reduta Ordona631 米 Józef Sowiński Park2.37公里 华沙老城4.82公里 Sala Zabaw Inca Play901 米 Expo XXI Convention Center International Expocentre1.24公里 Sports and recreation centre of Warsaw University1.18公里 Kościół pw. Opatrzności Bożej1.16公里 Roller coaster1.18公里 Conference Center NIMBU...
Reduta Ordona802 米 Multikino Reduta256 米 Capital Ski Sp. z o.o.848 米 科学文化宫4.53公里 华沙老城5.99公里 Roller coaster897 米 肖邦公园5.8公里 肖邦博物馆5.8公里 城堡广场6公里 皇家城堡(华沙)6.1公里 华沙美人鱼6.54公里 Church of Sts. Gregory the Great1.2公里 Szubienica na Woli744 米 华沙起...
54, made famous to Polish culture owing to Adam Mickiewicz's poem Reduta Ordona [Ordon's Redoubt], was apparently located during the Warsaw Battle of September 1831. One is accustomed to believe that the piece has more fabrication to it than historic truth. However, comparison of topographic ...
The author also introduces methods to mitigate these problems and proposes a form of classroom exercises which facilitate the analysis and interpretations of literary works.Horwath,EwaPolish Studies Postscript
Reduta Ordona591 米 肖邦博物馆4.49公里 华沙老城4.84公里 Sala Zabaw Inca Play864 米 Sports and recreation centre of Warsaw University1.22公里 Kościół pw. Opatrzności Bożej1.18公里 Roller coaster1.16公里 Conference Center NIMBUS1.11公里 城堡广场4.84公里 皇家城堡(华沙)4.93公里 华沙美人鱼5.24公...
Reduta Ordona631 米 华沙老城4.82公里 Expo XXI Convention Center International Expocentre1.24公里 Sala Zabaw Inca Play901 米 Sports and recreation centre of Warsaw University1.18公里 Kościół pw. Opatrzności Bożej1.16公里 Roller coaster1.18公里 Conference Center NIMBUS1.09公里 城堡广场4.83公里 皇...
Reduta Ordona631 米 Józef Sowiński Park2.37公里 华沙老城4.82公里 Expo XXI Convention Center International Expocentre1.24公里 Sala Zabaw Inca Play901 米 Sports and recreation centre of Warsaw University1.18公里 Kościół pw. Opatrzności Bożej1.16公里 Roller coaster1.18公里 Conference Center NIMBU...
Reduta Ordona631 米 Warsaw Insurgents Park2.47公里 华沙老城4.82公里 Sala Zabaw Inca Play901 米 Expo XXI Convention Center International Expocentre1.24公里 Sports and recreation centre of Warsaw University1.18公里 Kościół pw. Opatrzności Bożej1.16公里 Roller coaster1.18公里 Conference Center NIMB...