Reduning injection for fever, rash, and ulcers in children with mild hand, foot, and mouth disease: a randomized controlled clinical study临床治疗试验,儿童医院,口腔溃疡,注射液,皮疹,发热,热毒,随机目的将用温和的手,脚,和嘴疾病(HFMD ) 在孩子为发烧,皮疹,和溃疡估计 Reduning 注射的功效和安全。
1)Reduning热毒宁 1.Effects of Reduning on cytokines in lungs of rabbit with acute lung injury;中药热毒宁对急性肺损伤兔肺内致炎因子的影响 2.Effect of Reduning on lung surfactant in rabbits with acute lung injury;热毒宁注射液对急性肺损伤家兔肺表面活性物质的影响 3.Inhibitory effects of Reduning ...
1) Reduning 热毒宁1. Effects of Reduning on cytokines in lungs of rabbit with acute lung injury; 中药热毒宁对急性肺损伤兔肺内致炎因子的影响2. Effect of Reduning on lung surfactant in rabbits with acute lung injury; 热毒宁注射液对急性肺损伤家兔肺表面活性物质的影响...
热毒宁注射液 【汉语拼音】Reduning Zhusheye 【主要成分】青蒿、金银花、栀子。 【性状】本品为淡黄棕色至红棕色的澄明液体;味苦。 【药理作用】 药理学试验表明,本品对2,4-二硝基苯酚、大肠杆菌引起大鼠发热、三联疫苗引起家兔发热有解热作用;可延长流感病毒感染小鼠的平均存活时间,对流感病毒感染小鼠的肺指数有一...
Multiscale modeling of drug-induced effects of reduning injection on human disease: from drug molecules to clinical symptoms of disease. Sci Rep. 2015;5(6):1-15.Luo F, Gu J, Chen L, et al. Multiscale modeling of drug-induced effects of ReDuNing injection on human disease: From drug ...
Reduning/ network pharmacology/ molecular docking 2022年6月1日,世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞表示,全球30个非猴痘流行国家和地区已上报超过550例猴痘确诊病例[1],这一现象警示我们要提前寻找猴痘的有效治疗方法。猴痘是猴痘病毒引起的一种急性传染病,具有罕见、散发、传染力强等特点。猴痘病毒属于双链DNA病毒,与天花病毒...
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Reduning injection for treating community-acquired pneumonia.Method: Literatures about randomized controlled trials of Reduning injection for treating community-acquired pneumonia were reviewed.The methodological quality of the trials was assessed by the Jada...