redundant character escape '\.' in regexp 在正则表达式中,遇到“redundant character escape '\.'”这样的警告,通常意味着某些字符的转义是不必要的。下面,我将按照你的提示逐一解释和分析这个问题。 解释什么是字符转义: 字符转义是指在字符串中使用特定的字符序列来表示原本具有特殊含义的字符。在许多编程语言中...
IDEA警告: Redundant character escape '\\+' in RegExp,表示正则表达式中的特殊字符需转义 如果不想转义也可以关闭IDEA中关于正则表达式的警告 Setting-->Editor-->Inspections-->按Redundant 搜索 找到Redundant character escape,取消勾选即可... 查看原文 ...
think there is invalid warning message in my token STRING_LITERAL = "regexp:\"([^\"\\]|\\.)*\"" Redundant character escape '"' in RegExp
Reports redundant character escape sequences that can be replaced with unescaped characters preserving the meaning. Many escape sequences that are redundant inside square brackets[]of a character class are necessary outside of a character class. Although unescaped opening curly braces{outside of charact...
IDEA警告: Redundant character escape xxx in RegExp IDEA警告: Redundant character escape '\\+' in RegExp,表示正则表达式中的特殊字符需转义 如果不想转义也可以关闭IDEA中关于正则表达式的警告 Setting-->Editor-->Inspections-->按Redundant 搜索 找到Redundant character escape,取消勾选即可... ...
Reports character escapes that are replaceable with the unescaped character without a change in meaning. Note that inside the square brackets of a character class, many escapes are unnecessary that would be necessary outside of a character class. ...
IDEA警告: Redundant character escape xxx in RegExp IDEA警告: Redundant character escape '\\+' in RegExp,表示正则表达式中的特殊字符需转义 如果不想转义也可以关闭IDEA中关于正则表达式的警告 Setting-->Editor-->Inspections-->按Redundant 搜索 找到Redundant character escape,取消勾选即可... ...
Reports character escapes that are replaceable with the unescaped character without a change in meaning. Note that inside the square brackets of a character class, many escapes are unnecessary that would be necessary outside of a character class. For example the regex[\.]is identical to[.] ...