Philosophy of Science Association Aims and Achievements of the Reductionist Approach in Biochemistry / Molecular Biology / Cell Biology : A Response to KincaidRobinson, Joseph D
As such, my method resembles that of scientific practice-informed metaphysics, as used in other academic works on the life sciences (Dupré, 2021; Grote, 2019; Güttinger, 2021; Kaiser, 2018; Kaiser & Trappes, 2021),Footnote 1 and that of the philosophy of science in practice, which ...
In this paper, free will is chosen for a case study to demonstrate the feasibility. Special attention is paid to maintain analysis with mathematical precision, if possible, and to evade the inherent deceptive power of natural language. Laplace's determinism is re-evaluated along with the concept...
Higher-Level Modelling Languages and (Anti)Reductionist Perspectives in Philosophydoi:10.7148/2006-0244C.M. JonkerJ. Treur20th Conference on Modelling and Simulation