Share Reduction means the proposed reduction of share capital of the Issuer by cancellation of shares in a simplified cancellation procedure by a total amount of EUR 381,394.00 through the redemption of 381,394 fully paid-up non-par value shares of the Issuer. Sample 1Sample 2Sample 3 Based ...
[...]convincing macroeconomic evidence for significantly increasing investments in the environment as a means of promoting sustainable economic growth, the creation of decent jobs andthereductionofpoverty, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting and using less natural resources...
development;reduction ofthedigital divide; use of ICTs and multilingualism in [...] 其中包括:媒体工作人员培 训;在边远地区通过社区多媒体中心缩小数字鸿沟;本地内容制作以及利用知识促进可持续发展;缩小数字鸿沟;利用信息与传播计划和电子空间的多语言使用;支持建设和平、解...
When ‘s’ or ‘p’ occurs as the final letter in a name, it means that the conclusion of the first figure syllogism (the “target” of the reduction) must be converted simply or per accidens, respectively. noun the act of decreasing or reducing something noun the act of reducing comp...
capitalreductionundistributablecreditorsdiscerniblecourt 1ReductionofCapitalAcomayonlypurchaseorsubscribeforitsownsharesorreduceitscapitalinaccordancewiths58(1A).Thereasontoreducecapital:Theco’,theactualvalueofthecapitalmaybereducedbelowtheno...
Reducing per capita consumption, particularly amongst high income groups, is often deemed necessary to reduce the environmental impacts of the global economy. Far from implying a necessary reduction in wellbeing, some research suggests this could actually improve it: as reduced expenditure means a redu...
Every time an idea pops into my head, I quickly write it on the pad, which means I don’t have to remember it. Then, when the list gets full, I tear off the sheet and toss it onto a pile on my desk. That pile has become the home of my to-do lists. Periodically I go throug...
Numerous studies have been carried out to investigate the occurrence, measurement and social and economic ramifications of poverty, as well as the means, policies and effects of poverty reduction. Yet very few theoretical studies ha...
education (in cooperation with ED), ethics of science (including bioethics, in cooperation with SHS), cultural and biological diversity (in cooperation with CLT) and, in cooperation with CI, the use of the new information and communication technologies as a means of conducting and sharing science...
the special capital reserve account andthereduction ofthesharepremiumamount was then used to set off the accumulated losses of the Company. 於二零零七年二月十三日香港特別行政區高等法院頒令確認本公司的股本削減,由取消本 公司特別資本儲備帳及削減本公司股份溢價帳而產生的進帳額...