2c. The LSV curves of Cu/N0.14C in N2 afignd CO2 were measured, respectively, in Fig. 2d. In CO2-saturated 0.1 M KHCO3 solution, the Cu/N0.14C displayed high activity. Fig. 2e showed that H2, C1 and C2+ products distributions of five catalysts. Cu/NxC catalysts truly boosted ...
FoFrora afirfimrminina caerctearitnaiinndinudstursiatrliaslecsteocrt,oirt,s itasllaolcloacteadtecdacrabrobnoqnuqoutoatiani2n022002c0acnabnebceaclcaulcluatlaedtedbybEyqEuqautaiotinon(1(31)3[)3[13]1. ]. A EE AfiArmf,iirm,i = iE,bia,bsaesyeeyaerar sEecsteocrt,obra,bsaes...
In this study, adhesion force is still playing a very important role which affects the levels of static friction within the real contact area. In most of the tests, values of F at the 1.5 N/s increasing rate of tangential load are higher than that at 0.062 N/s. This phenomenon may be...
Mustafi, N.N. An Overview of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology. InEngines and Fuels for Future Transport. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability; Kalghatgi, G., Agarwal, A.K., Leach, F., Senecal, K., Eds.; Springer: Singapore, 2022; pp. 73–102. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] ...
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease Article Reduction of Hospitalization and Mortality by Echocardiography-Guided Treatment in Advanced Heart Failure Hamayak Sisakian 1,* , Syuzanna Shahnazaryan 1 , Sergey Pepoyan 1, Armine Minasyan 2, Gor Martirosyan 1, Mariam Hovhannisyan 1, Ashkhen ...
The emission of particulate matter (PM) from vehicles refers to the emission of small particles into the air that originate from the combustion of fuel or other processes in the vehicle. These PMs can be harmful to the environment and human health [1,2]. With diesel engines, the problem is...
IMSs in total. AFicgcuorrdein1g1 tios tthFheiegpuIrrMoep1F0o.sTeoedmbStpEaeEirnaMteudDre-aTexfFtpPeeFrrimaEleMgnotDrailtrhdemseuc,lottshmoefpsaaodmsuipatillo-emneansastnrModpEyMthoSefgreyearocashrceoIpMeei.FghistcIaMlcuSlsatiend total. AancdcotadrAaAhndnececdtdicacnooiItglFtrMFrhehdidideget...
FFFooouuurrsseettssooofffdddaatatataawwweereerreoebootbbatitanaieinndeedbdybbytyhtethhseiemssiuimmlauutlilaoatntiiooonnf rooafdfriraadlddiiaaelfloddremeffooartrmimoanat,tiioaonnd,,afiannvdde fsfieivvteseossefetdtssaotoaffwddaeatrtaea wcwoeelrlreecctcoeodllllefecrcottemeddtffhrroeommsimtthhuee...
ans sinhoFwignuinreF8ig.uDreis8t.aDnicseta(n1c)ew(1a)swfiaxsefdixeadt 0at.50.m5 mmm, a, nd it is theafidnxdeisdtitatniosctoehbfesreodrimvsetaantnhceeenfarndoamolyfastinsheernendsouolttcfhoth'fsetaonrrocqt,ucwhe'shaneanrdc,ittowsrhqraeundeiiurtsisprp(a3lde)iuiwssi2t(h3m) tihm...
oFrrtoemr. AFimguorneg7J,iwanegcsaun'sfienxdpothrtast,JAiannhgusui , wiimthptohretslathrgeelsatragmesot upnatrtoof fEiCt,Eaicncotruandtein, gisftohre9m.7a%jo, rHEeCnEane,xZphoertjiearn. gA,mShoannggJhiaani,gasnud'sHexupnoarntsr,aAnnkhedui imfrpomortssecthoendlatrogefisftthp,aa...