5 . WV SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING PLANVirginia, WestAct, RecyclingWest, TheRecycling, VirginiaAct, TheBill, SenateBill, HouseAuthorities, Solid WasteLitter, Comprehensive
United Kingdom, and Turkey (BRiSA) also confirmed the status of zero waste to landfill. Eleven facilities in North and South America have also reached zero waste to landfill status. At the Santo Andre Plant in Brazil, the Zero Landfill Project involves finding a solution for recycling and reus...
The public are required to sort garbage into three categories before pick-up, namely the recyclables, kitchen wastes and trash. And the "Bulky Waste Recycling Plan" has been implemented since 2004. Waste furniture are repaired and refurbished for reuse. Since July 2002, TEPA has adopted "...
The lights of the unattended room are not bright, and the person goes out of the lamp to become a habit. Garbage classification does not litte 25、r, recycling and recycling; Buy a dish with a basket and repeat it countless times; The toilet water tank has a brick, the water is easy...
reduction 翻译 reduction 翻译基本解释 ●reduction:减少,缩减
第三是资源化原则(recycling),通过把输出的废弃物再次变成资源以减少最终的废物处理量。这些原则能很好的运用于电子垃圾的治理。 The circulation economy implementation relies on in by “reduces the quantification, again uses, again circulates” (is called the 3R principle) for the content actual operation...
14620N.NebraskaAve.,Bldg.D Tampa,FL33613 813-971-8333 WasteReductionandRecyclingGuide forFloridaCorrectionalFacilities January2004 ThisguidewaspreparedaspartoftheModelWasteReductionandRecycling ProgramforFloridaDetentionandCorrectionalFacilitiesProject(IG1-12),fundedby theFloridaDepartmentofEnvironmentalProtection(...
promotingthereduction,reuse and recycling(3R)approachandmottainai in its work on green growth [...] daccess-ods.un.org daccess-ods.un.org 委员会对秘书处在绿色增长领域内开展的工作表示 赞扬,并请它继续开展促进可持续发展方面的工作,其方法包括,除其他 外,在其开展绿色增长方面的工作中支持诸如“减量...
aspect ofGHGemissions reductionandrecycling-oriented manufacturing (minimizing the [...] panasonic.cn panasonic.cn 我们希望在 ECOVC 活动中获得更多的供应商及物 流合作伙伴的协助,从而使削减温室气体和循环型制造(资源投入量 的最小化、循环利用、非石油产品材料的替代,等等)与成本合理化 ...
As a plan to revitalize reduction and recycling of construction wastes, this research focuses on finding obstructive factors and giving solutions to reduce and recycle construction wastes which comes from construction process and construction industries. To meet the needs of the research, firstly ...