Software can be used to solve problems involving reducing balance loans. For instance, Microsoft Excel has a built-in amortization function, which...
This data was collected and organized into a database using Microsoft Excel 2012 (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond WA). The Instrument Utilization Rate (IUR) was then calculated using the formula: Instrument Utilization Rate = I Used / I Total * 100 Where : I Used = # of instruments used in...
The antioxidation activity was calculated by the formula below: Anti-fish oil-oxidation activity (%) = (Ct− C0) × 100 where C0is the concentration (μg/mL) of EPA or DHA at 0 h; Ctis the concentration (μg/mL) of EPA or DHA at 72 h in the same emulsion. ...
This was made searchable via an Excel® formula (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA), which matched the search terms against all the regimens indexed in the reference spreadsheet, returning all the characteristics (regimen booking duration, chair and day restrictions, etc.) the schedulers needed to ...
solving simultaneous nonlinear equations with excel concept of algebra trinomials calculator six equations six unknowns calculator DSL Telecom Sport Management Jobs fraction power how to calculate linear feet formula elipse how to solve squareroots exponent -1/2 change to square root cal...
The samples were collected after 45 days of growth and placed in the room (temperature 22 °C, 60% RH, about mid-April 2022) for 3, 6, 9, or 12 days with roots, respectively. Then, the water loss rate was calculated using the following formula: Water loss rate = (m0 − m)/m0...
Moreover, when collecting and grouping information, comparative analysis was used using standard analysis tools (MS Office 365 Excel version 2402). The Statistica 10 program was used for statistical calculations. Complementarily, the professional experience of one of the authors in the management staff...
Stomatal index was computed using the following formula: (SN/SN + EN)× 100, where SN is the number of stomata and EN the number of epidermal cells in the microscopic field [28]. The size of 10 stomata per field was measured at 40× magnification, considering both the guard cell major...
The very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) lipid level was determined using Friedewald’s formula as follows: VLDL (mg/dL) = TC − HDL − LD 2.10. 1H NMR-Based GN Muscle Metabolomics Profiling 2.10.1. Sample Preparation In total, 50 mg GN muscle was homogenized in 500 µL of ice-...
In the process of reducing Fe oxides, carbon from coke and lignite, which are part of the charge, is considered. A mathematical model was developed in Excel to determine all the necessary thermotechnical parameters. For more economical use of flue gas energy generated in the process of ...