题目Our screens give out all kinds of light,especially blue light.Blue light,the argument goes,can affect your eye health,your sleeping patters,and your health.Blue light glasses-technically they should be called "blue light blocking glasses"-filter out blue light,letting ...
Use a privacy filter on your desktop monitor to protect sensitive and confidential data from being seen or captured by unwanted viewers. Our privacy screens feature Microlouver technology which obscures the view outside a 60-degree viewing angle. The ideal solution for keeping your data private ...
When you turn on most digital devices, their screens vibrantly illuminate so that you can see easily in a variety of light settings. However, the visible light that comes from your screen is more complex than you might think. There are many common concerns regarding the blue light that emanat...
As you develop your application, keep in mind that anytime someone is using the Rift there is the potential for discomfort. In other words, you’ll want to pay attention to these guidelines for everything you create, including menus and loading screens, and not just for game play. 7.2.1S...
items. For example, you don’t need one page for executive bios and another for individual team members — they can go on the same page. The design studioWaaarksimplifies its navigation by merging its studio introduction, team member bios and contact information as three screens on a single ...