race, and family history. But there are also diet and lifestyle changes you can make that may help to improve your health and potentially reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer.1
It clearly shows the steps to take for an enjoyable and healthy lifestyle that will, at the same time, dramatically reduce the chances of developing cancer. Professor Kune describes the appropriate steps for early detection of a cancer or even a precancerous condition.Precise preventative advice ...
In addition to feeding your cat a high-quality diet, keeping your cat physically fit and active has also been shown to reduce the risk of cancer in cats. Cats that are not physically active are more prone to developing certain types of cancer, as well as heart disease and diabe...
Studiessuggest that flaxseeds can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. That is becauseflaxseedshave high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. They have various health benefits too. For example, it promotes heart health. Additionally, it also prevents hypertension and stroke. However, it also has signi...
lifestyle.It’s a good idea to limit your consumption of red meat and high-fat dairy products, as both appear to slightlyincrease your riskof getting prostate cancer. And be mindful of your weight—men who are very overweightseem to be more proneto getting a more aggressive form of the...