Reduced VAT is one of the tax rates applied in Spain, specifically on the mainland and the Balearic Islands; it represents a percentage added to the value of goods or services. The general VAT rate in Spain is 21%, while the reduced rate is 10%. This number has gradually climbed over t...
However, in cases where a hotel was booked and pre-paid but with a flexible option for cancellation up to the day of stay, the reduced vat rate still needs to be selectable in QB.I have just received a refund from a hotel that was booked and paid...
Boeger are acknowledged for useful comments on this study. We also thank Tine Huyse, Jos Snoeks, Miguël Parrent (RMCA) and people in the parasitological group, Masaryk University, Brno for their hospitality and the RMCA for providing access to the collections. Research was supported by the ...