Reduced Form 有比较强的数据假设,往往无法满足。所以主要得解决内生性问题。好处是对模型设定没有太大的要求,可以快速进行数据分析并得出结论。现在流行先进 model-free evidence 然后再 structural Structural Form 有比较强的模型假设,商学院最常用的就是DCM,主要得解决识别问题。比如说,不存在异质性,需求弹性一致等等。
在三级固收这里就是用来估计PD (probability of default)的。 Reduced-form model是基于市场信息做的计量回归模型。会使用到的数据有,公司自己的财务指标,以及宏观经济指标,这些都是市场可以观察到的数据【observable company-specific variables such as financial ratios and recovery assumptions as well as macroeconomic...
Structural form 和 reduced form 是SEM模型的两种写法,reduced是从structural推出来的。
1、可否解释一下reduced form model和structural model的区别? 2、听了老师讲解,我理解的是structural model是可以利用BSM model来进行计算违约概率的,但是下方老师提到的,structural model无法用BSM模型进行期权定价?是不是说错了? 3、另外 选项b这个何老师说是structural model的特点:structural credit models use mark...
Junyi Hou 提到“而在structural form里面,除了前面这个解释之外,β是有一定经济学意义的(e.g. 某...
On the structural side, a basic Merton model is not good enough; appropriate modifications to the framework make a difference. On the reduced-form side, the quality and quantity of data make a difference; many traded issuers will not be well modeled in this way unless they issue more traded...
This paper discusses and empirically tests the relative merits of three models of credit default risk: two structural models (Merton and Vasicek–Kealhofer [VK]) and one reduced-form model (Hull–White [HW]). The authors find that the VK and HW models predict defaults reasonably well and bot...
structural model, SEM, reduced form有什么区别? - 回答作者: tim不是婷婷 (想看更多?下载 @知乎 App: )
The aim of this paper is to generalize the comprehensive structural model for defaultable fixed income bonds (considered in [1]) into a comprehensive unified model of structural and reduced form approaches. In our model the bond holders receive the deterministic coupon at predetermined coupon dates ...