Quantitative diffusion MRIProstate imagingReduced field-of-viewMulti-shot EPIPURPOSE: To evaluate the reproducibility of quantitative diffusion measurements obtained with reduced Field of View (rFOV) and Multi-shot EPI (msEPI) acquisitions, using single-shot EPI (ssEPI) as a reference. METHODS: ...
The MRI scanner can perform a full field of view (fFOV) scan on an anatomy area including an implant to acquire first multi-spectral MRI data associated with a plurality of frequency bins. The processor can generate, for each pair of a single RF receiver and a single frequency bin, a ...
Small Field-Of-View Surface Coil MR Imaging of Talar Osteochondral Lesions BACKGROUND: Osteochondral lesion (OCL) treatment is based on patient symptoms, lesion size, and lesion stability. MRI of talar OCL identifies the presence ... JF Griffith,YXJ Wang,SJ Lodge,... - 《Foot & Ankle Intern...
Reduced field-of-view MRI using outer volume suppression for spinal cord diffusion imaging A spin-echo single-shot echo-planar imaging (SS-EPI) technique with a reduced field of view (FOV) in the phase-encoding direction is presented that simulta... BJ Wilm,J Svensson,A Henning,... - 《...
Eight different reduced field-of-view (FOV) MRI techniques suitable for high field human imaging were implemented, optimized, and evaluated at 7T. These included selective Inner-Volume Imaging (IVI) based methods, and Outer-Volume Suppression (OVS) techniques, some of which were previously unexplor...
The objectives of this work were: 1, to show that a reduced-field of view (r-FOV) DW EPI technique can improve image quality; and 2, to investigate the effect of different reconstruction strategies on the resulting apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs). METHODS: We implemented a single-shot...
All the image data referring to rectal cancer were transferred to the PC and analyzed by utility of in-house developed software (Firevoxel, https://files.nyu.edu/hr18/public/projects.html). Two radiologists (with 6 years and 30 years of experience in interpreting abdominal MRI respectively) re...
High resolution diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the pancreas using reduced field of view single-shot echo-planar imaging at 3 T. Magn Reson Imaging 2014; 32: 125-131 [PMID: 24231348 DOI: 10.1016/j.mri.2013.10.005]
MRI of the spinal cord is limited to the differentiation of white matter from gray matter and macroscopic structural changes within the cord in a diseased or injured state.2 Conventional MRI depicts the white matter as a uniform tissue, despite it being composed of a complex array of ...
We assessed global caudate nuclei volumes with manual volumetric procedures, and regional volume differences with three-dimensional surface morphometry in 14 CCHS (mean age±SD: 15.1±2.3 years; 8 male) and 31 control children (15.1±2.4 years; 17 male) using brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI...