Chen, X., Wei, S.: Spectral invariant subalgebras of reduced crossed product C∗-algebras. J. Funct. Anal. 197, 228-246 (2003)X. Chen and S. Wei, "Spectral invariant subalgebras of reduced crossed product C∗-algebras", J. Funct. Anal. 197:1 (2003), 228-246 crossrefMathSci...
Reduced C~*-crossed products by free shiftsReduced C~*-crossed products by free shiftsdoi:10.1107/S0907444998016680The free shift α of the reduced free product C~*-algebra A is studied from both the analytic and non-commutative ergodic theoretic viewpoints. For an automorphism β of B, we sh...
We also show that if B is unital, nuclear, and simple, and if the crossed product B x_β Z is simple and purely infinite, then (O_∞ direct X B) x_(α direct X β) Z is isomorphic to B x_β Z.DOI: 10.1107/S0907444998016680 年份: 1998 ...
We consider a twisted action of a discrete groupGon a unital C*-algebraAand give conditions ensuring that there is a bijective correspondence between the maximal invariant ideals ofAand the maximal ideals in the associated reduced C*-crossed product....
The drill bit, downhole tools, heavy weight drill pipe and drill pipe can be crossed over using a straight OD sub. Reduced Section Sub Reduced Section Sub is used to connect drill stem parts that have different diameters. This sub can be used to crossover large...
The drill bit, downhole tools, heavy weight drill pipe and drill pipe can be crossed over using a straight OD sub. Reduced Section SubReduced Section Sub is used to connect drill stem parts that have different diameters. This sub can be used to crossover large ...
The presence or absence of pigment in the rudimentary eyes ofG. multidiverticulatawas a consistent attribute of individuals of the two morphotypes that were maintained in separate cultures (>200 animals were observed for each morphotype over 3+ years of culturing). Animals were also crossed with ...
This is the list price or previous price before the discount was applied. It represents the highest price which an item would be sold, and is often used to highlight the amount of saving, and may appeared crossed out on price tags on retail goods or as RRP (recommended retail price). ...
In order to give a closed formula for the diameter we need to partition the set I2(w) into the sets of separated, crossed and nested pairs of inversions. Definition 3.4 Given w∈Sn, define the following disjoint subsets of I2(w):I2S(w):={(ij,kl)∈I2(w):i<j<k<l},I2C(w):=...
that of the top right intermediate DOE while the second, opposite surface has a grating vector with the same or similar direction as that of the top intermediate DOE. Alternatively, the combined grating may be configured as a single-sided or two-sided crossed (i.e., two-dimensional) grating...