Issue How to reduce the size a partition formatted with XFS Filesystem? How can I reduce the size a LVM partition formatted with XFS Filesystem?Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (with the Scalable File System Add-on) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, 8 and 9 XFS Filesystem LVM...
4) Format the partition with xfs filesystem 5) Remount the filesystem 6) Restore the data using xfsrestore In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to reduce the size of aLVMpartition formatted withxfs filesystem Step 0. Lab Preparation: –Create a primary lvm partition usi...
Note:These steps are applicable only when you have LVM based partition and formatted either as ext4 or ext3. We can not reduce XFS file system created on LVM. Let’s assume,we want to reduce/homeby 2GB which is on LVM partition & formatted as ext4. ...
Theresize2fs commandis used to enlarge or shrink ext2, ext3 and ext4 file systems on a device. It can be used to enlarge a mounted file system, but to shrink it, you must unmount the file system. The below command will reduce the"testlvm1"file system from100GBto80GB. Common syntax f...
Previously we have seen how to create a flexible disk storage using LVM. Here, we are going to see how to extend volume group, extend and reduce a logical volume. Here we can reduce or extend the partitions in Logical volume management (LVM) also called as flexible volume file-system. ...
安装完成后,请启动haveged工具(执行systemctl restart haveged命令或参考如何启动haveged工具章节),并确保启动成功(可执行systemctl status haveged命令查看工具启动状态,如果出现“active (running)”表示启动成功)。 如果安装的操作系统版本为X86服务器银河麒麟V10SP3(20221125版本),则需要提前联系操作系统厂商获取如下rpm文...
mkfs.xfs/dev/sdXx 挂载磁盘。 运行如下命令刷新操作系统分区表: partprobe 获取新分区的UUID: blkid/dev/sdXx 修改“/etc/fstab”,将如下语句作为新行添加到“/etc/fstab”中: UUID=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX磁盘挂载目录xfsdefaults,noatime,nodiratime 1 0 ...
Note:These steps are applicable only when you have LVM based partition and formatted either as ext4 or ext3. We can not reduce XFS file system created on LVM. Let’s assume,we want to reduce/homeby 2GB which is on LVM partition & formatted as ext4. ...