Windows includes Compact OS. Using compact.exe you can reduce the size of the operating system & run it from compressed files, similar to WIMBoot.
DISM.EXE /Apply-Image /ImageFile:INSTALL.WIM /Index:1 /ApplyDir:C:\ /Compact:ON Run BCDBOOT C:\WINDOWS to set up the OS to boot. Reboot. More details can be foundHERE. You can of course use many other optimizations to reduce the total amount of disk space taken by Windows 10: Mak...
I have a scenario where my virtual machine does not have enough free space to operate properly becauseWinSxShas consumed30% of disk space. The virtual machine has a 50 GB disk size and it is running Windows Server 2016 since December 2016. The WinSxS is consuming 15 GB of free space as...
Windows Explorer Reported Size of the Component Store– As you may have guessed, this shows the File Explorer reported size. As seen above, it’s not completely accurate. This is due to the use of hard links by the o...
How to reduce size of C:\Windows\winsxs folder in windows 2008 R2? How to reduce the Physical memory usage in windows server 2008 r2? how to relocate Pagefile.sys to another drive letter How to remove MSADC folder? How to remove token-signing certificate how to rename the domain name in...
When I'm editing on a laptop and sometime on my desktop, the tool windows are too large - most specifically for me the curves window. Is there a way to have a more compact size? On the laptop, unless my picture is very small, the window is overlayed on top of the ...
Nowadays, Windows is capable of resizing partition in Disk Management, resize partition includes extend partition size and shrink partition size. How to reduce partition size in Windows 7/8/10/11? Windows Shrink Partition with Disk Management ...
also referred to as LXPs. LXPs are smaller than their counterparts because they only contain a subset of language translations that cover most of Windows. Once the device is connected to the internet the rest of the translations are downloaded to the device. As ...
There is no drought of third-party photo editing apps on Windows. Among them, PhotoScape X stands out due to its rich editing options. Here’s how to use PhotoScape X to reduce photo size on Windows. Step 1: Install PhotoScape X from the Microsoft Store. Step 2: Open PhotoScape X and...
If you want to quickly check the current size of the Windows.edb file, use the PowerShell command: ((Get-Item $env:programdata'\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows\Windows.edb').length/1GB) In my example, whensearching for large files on the system drive, I found that the Windows....