ReduceProd General ReduceProd operation performs the reduction with multiplication on a given src data along dimensions specified by axes. Take channel axis = 0 and keep_dims = True as an example: Operation attributes Attribute Name Description...
# 需要导入模块: from tensorflow.compat import v1 [as 别名]# 或者: from tensorflow.compat.v1 importreduce_prod[as 别名]def_conv1d_expression(expr, w, padding, stride):"""Scale a linear expression by w (through a convolutional layer)."""b = tf.nn.conv1d(expr.b, w, padding=padding,...
tf.math.reduce_prod(input_tensor, axis=None, keepdims=False, name=None) # TensorFlow 2.x import tensorflow as tf x = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0],[3.0, 4]]) y = tf.math.reduce_prod(x, axis=0) print(y) # tf.Tensor([3. 8.], shape=(2,), dtype=float32) 计数: count_nonzero(...
returnx*y returnreduce(fn, L) #测试 print('3 * 5 * 7 * 9 =', prod([3,5,7,9])) ifprod([3,5,7,9])==945: print('测试成功!') else: print('测试失败!')
Reduce属于多对1的通信原语,具有多个数据发送者,一个数据接收者,可以在集群内把多个节点的数据规约运算到一个主节点上,常用的规约操作符有:求累加和SUM、求累乘积PROD、求最大值MAX、求最小值MIN、逻辑与 LAND、按位与BAND、逻辑或LOR、按位或BOR、逻辑异或LXOR、按位异或BOXR、求最大值和最小大的位置MAXLOC...
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ['AdAm', 'Lisa', 'Bart'] 1. 求阶乘 from functools import reduce def prod(L): a = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, L) print(a) prod([1, 2, 3, 4]) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 24 1.
Optype [ReduceProd] of Ops kernel [aicpu_tf_kernel] is unsupported. Reason: data_type DT_BCOL of input x is unsupported by current kernel info store. op type[ReduceProd].. No supported Ops kernel and engine are found for [ReduceProdl, optype [ReduceProd]. build graph failed, graph ...
def prod(L): def multi(x, y): return x * y return reduce(multi, L) print('3 * 5 * 7 * 9 =', prod([3, 5, 7, 9])) 第三题 利用map和reduce编写一个str2float函数,把字符串'123.456'转换成浮点数123.456: from functools import reduce def str2float(s): pass ...
L1=[3,5,7,9]print(prod(L1)) 运行结果: 3、利用map和reduce编写一个str2float函数,把字符串'123.456'转换成浮点数123.456: #练习三:'''利用map和reduce编写一个str2float函数,把字符串'123.456'转换成浮点数123.456:'''defstr2float(s): s=s.split('.')#以'.'分割字符串deff_int(x,y):#计算整...
Python内建map()和reduce()函数 map()函数接收两个参数一个是函数一个是一个Iterable(迭代器),并把结果作为新的Iterator(生成器)返回 有一个函数f(x)=x*x作用于序列list[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] 使用python函数实现 >>>r=map(f,range(1,4))>>>r>>list(r)[1,4,9]>>>deff(x):...returnx...