Tinypng's web site says this: " By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. " That would work, but if you're going to accept messing with the colours why not just use JPEG, which also does that to reduce size....
What’s also appealing is the options that show after the first pass. You can also reduce the number of colors via aReduce paletteoption and even resize. The only drawbacks I saw were there is no help and I encountered processing errors with the AVIF file type. (Update: 6/13/21 – on...
Community Expert , /t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/how-to-reduce-the-kb-size-of-an-image/m-p/8387420#M51298 Jun 08, 2016 Jun 08, 2016 Copy link to clipboard Copied velorp33326544 wrote: how to reduce the kb size of an image Look in your Status bar. There are two sizes ...
JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group–This is the most common file type you’ll find for most images on the internet. This file type can manage millions of colors, can be highly compressed while preserving quality. These are referred to as “lossy” because the process of compressing them...
Lossy files “lose” some amount of data — for example, the actual number of colors or pixels in a photo. In most instances, your image will only lose redundant or barely perceptible visual information. An average viewer isn’t likely to be able to tell the difference between an original...
does is, it scans the uploaded image and intelligently reduces the number of colors in the image. This, in turn, reduces the image size dramatically. In case you are wondering because how TinyPNG selects the colors, the compressed image is almost indistinguishable from its original counterpart....
As mentioned above, reducing the file size of a JPEG by reducing the number of colors used is usually sufficient enough to make a noticeable impact. Because each color has several shades associated with it, the fewer colors used in your final output, the smaller the resulting file size will...
Step 1: Open your image and view it at 100 percent Start by opening your image in Lightroom or Photoshop. Note that RAW images opened in Photoshop will first go through Adobe Camera Raw, which is what you want. Again, remember that the controls in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom are alm...
With Photoshop, you always need to think in pixel dimensions. How many pixels, that's how you define file resolution. That's the quality of the file, not ppi. You cannot increase number of pixels, except by inventing them. That's what resampling does. If you increase pixel ...
The first thing you should do is with the document open in Photoshop save out a Jpeg image file in a folder using quality 10. See how big that saved jpeg file is. What do you need the smaller file for. If the is for the Web the number of Pixel you have for a print will be ...