Forcing LaTeX to make the last line touch the bottom of the page is caused by the default \flushbottom mode. Releasing this can be done with the \raggedbottom command. Switching this on shows that with 12pt font and lines=42 for the geometry package a section heading on the page will ...
21 Reduce pseudocode font size (not global) 7 How to reduce font size of TOC on lyx beamer 4 Reduce the line number font size of pseudocode? 3 biblatex: reduce font size citation mark 1 Reduce section, subsection font size in beamer sidebar 4 Reduce font size within all proofs 3...
Redefining \thesubfigure and restoring it to normal font size afterwards gives the desired results: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Warsaw} \useoutertheme{infolines} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage[labelformat=simple]{subcaption} \setbeamertemplate{caption}[numbered] \captionsetup{font=bf}...
\documentclass[8pt]{beamer} \usetheme[left]{Marburg} % width= \setbeamerfont{section in sidebar}{size=\fontsize{2}{4}\selectfont} \setbeamerfont{subsection in sidebar}{size=\fontsize{2}{4}\selectfont} \setbeamerfont{section in sidebar shaded}{size=\fontsize{2}{2}\selectfont} \begin{...
I have learned from here on how to reduce the font size in the pseudocode. The last thing left for me is to reduce the line number font size as well. The following is my MWE, and it seems that \algsetup{linenosize=\tiny} is not working. \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage...
This issue in the math sans font bothers us. How to very slightly downscale the sans math or the capitals therein, i.e., reduce the height of the sans math font or of the capitals in sans math font? Other relationships between the fonts seem fine, and we have ...
\scriptsize\selectfont Anwendung entspricht, ist nicht zulässig.}}}; \end{tikzpicture} } %%end page borders I didn't finish my table on the left, but I know how to add more rows it's not a problem. My question is how to fix row height or how to remove or reduc...