GentleTorch / NTU-HsuanTienLin-MachineLearning geographerwang / NTU-HsuanTienLin-MachineLearning gethubbin / NTU-HsuanTienLin-MachineLearning GillRichard / NTU-HsuanTienLin-MachineLearning githubtpx / HsuanTienLin_MachineLearning gofreehj / NTU-HsuanTienLin-MachineLearning gogoswift / HsuanTi...
Add another smooth stone block on the outside of both center pistons. These will act as shelves so we can reach the top pistons with redstone. Place a redstone torch under each of these blocks. When you do, the bottom two pistons will expand, closing the bottom ⅔ of the door. Plac...
first "build" was a lever which turned on a lamp. I didn't know what I was doing, but I did almost immediately recognize the sheer potential this stuff had. It wasn't much later when I build a NAND gate (after I discovered the redstone torch) and the rest is history as they say...
Fixed redstone torch output CB1.1 bug. Fixed lever update doesn't apply physics around the output block. Fixed an update bug in redstone torch output devices. RedstoneChips 0.94 (Jan 9th, 2012) Note blocks can be used as output devices. removed rightClickToActivate pref. It's now always...
wires and strippers and crimpers and components and a soldering gun, and went to work methodically, stripping and crimping and twisting. He’d taken out his own connector for reference and he was comparing them both, using a white LED torch on a headband to show him the pinouts on the cu...
“After Antonio, a couple used pills, a trio asphyxiated themselves; finally someone used a cutting torch. Took forever to get the blood out. I tell you what I told the rest, either get back in your tube or step out the airlock. Leave your spacesuit in stores, we might need it later...