Redstone Comparator Aredstone comparatoris often confused with a redstone repeater. The two look similar, are made of similar components and have nearly identical functions. There are only a few minor distinctions between the two. However, these minor distinctions are what define the crucial differ...
Redstone comparator A comparator is clearly more advanced than a repeater, in order to craft a comparator you'll be needing nether quartz. As with the repeater you place three (plain) stone blocks at the bottom, a nether quartz in the middle and then surround the quartz with three redston...
To make a redstone torch, place 1 redstone dust and 1 stick in the 3x3 crafting grid.When making a redstone torch, it is important that the redstone dust and the stick are placed in the exact pattern as the image below. In the first row, the redstone dust should be in the middle...