在实际操作中,如果要进行跨数据库的数据同步,可能需要借助于其他工具或方法。 例如,可以通过将PostgreSQL的数据导出为CSV格式,然后再通过Amazon Redshift的COPY命令将数据导入到Redshift中。同时,请注意,在进行跨数据库同步时,可能会遇到数据类型、字符集等方面的问题,需要进行适当的处理。 2023-10-19 14:19:33 发布...
Supported capabilitiesGatewayAuthentication Copy activity (source/destination) None Amazon Redshift Lookup activity None Amazon RedshiftTo learn more about the copy activity configuration for Amazon Redshift in data pipelines, go to Configure in a data pipeline copy activity.Feed...
Create a query to Redshift in Power Query, copy the code from the advanced editor. Then create a blank query in data flows and paste it. A lot of connectors already work in data flows, although the logo is missing in the data flows menu. If you need any help plea...
"activities":[ { "name": "CopyFromAmazonRedshiftToSQLDW", "type": "Copy", "inputs": [ { "referenceName": "AmazonRedshiftDataset", "type": "DatasetReference" } ], "outputs": [ { "referenceName": "AzureSQLDWDataset", "type": "DatasetReference" } ], "typeProperties": { "source...
{"referenceName":"AmazonS3LinkedService","type":"LinkedServiceReference"},"bucketName":"bucketForUnload"} },"sink": {"type":"SqlDWSink","allowPolyBase":true},"enableStaging":true,"stagingSettings": {"linkedServiceName":"AzureStorageLinkedService","path":"adfstagingcopydata"},"data...
如果您在查询中使用 COPY 和 UNLOAD 命令,则还必须向 Amazon S3 授予访问 Amazon Redshift 的权限,这样才能代表您运行查询。为此,请先授权Amazon Redshift 访问其他 AWS 服务,然后使用IAM 角色授权 COPY 和 UNLOAD 操作。 作为最佳实践,我们建议将权限策略附加到 IAM 角色,然后根据需要将其分配给用户和组。有关更...
Create a query to Redshift in Power Query, copy the code from the advanced editor. Then create a blank query in data flows and paste it. A lot of connectors already work in data flows, although the logo is missing in the data flows menu. If you need any help plea...
Sie müssen auch sicherstellen, dass Amazon Redshift die IAM Rolle während COPY und während des UNLOAD Betriebs übernehmen kann. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "redshift.amazonaws.com" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" ...
有关复制活动下每个选项卡的配置,请分别转到以下各部分。 常规 Source 映射 设置 常规 若要配置“常规”设置选项卡,请参阅“常规”设置指导。 源 转到“源”选项卡以配置复制活动源。 有关详细配置,请参阅以下内容。 需要以下三个属性: 数据存储类型:选择“外部”。
"activities":[ {"name":"CopyFromAmazonRedshiftToSQLDW","type":"Copy","inputs": [ {"referenceName":"AmazonRedshiftDataset","type":"DatasetReference"} ],"outputs": [ {"referenceName":"AzureSQLDWDataset","type":"DatasetReference"} ],"typeProperties": {"source": {"type":"AmazonRedshi...