-- Create a staging table and populate it with rows from SALES_UPDATE for Dec create temp table stagesales as select * from sales_update where saletime > '2008-11-30'; -- Start a new transaction begin transaction; -- Update the target table using an inner join with the staging table ...
glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_catalog( frame =input dynamic frame, database = "redshift-dc-database-name", table_name = "redshift-table-name", redshift_tmp_dir = args["temp-s3-dir"], additional_options ={"aws_iam_role": "arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/rs-role-name"}) ...
Fix(auth): include DbGroups when getting temp credentials from boto. [Brooke White] Refactor(cursor): extend fetch_dataframe error handling. [Brooke White] Doc: Fix errors in connection parameter table. Add missing parameters to table (#12) [Brooke White] v2.0.405 (2020-11-05) Doc: re-...
--Create a new table, throwing an error if a table with the same name already exists:CREATETABLEmy_tableUSINGcom.databricks.spark.redshiftOPTIONS ( dbtable'my_table', tempdir's3n://path/for/temp/data'url'jdbc:redshift://redshifthost:5439/database?user=username&password=pass')ASSELECT*FROM...
dev=# CREATE TEMP TABLE my_temp_table AS SELECT unprotect_Name(first_name), unprotect_City(city), unprotect_Address(street) FROM fake_pii_100m; dev=# select query,starttime,endtime,datediff('s',starttime,endtime) exec_s, trim(querytxt) as query_text ...
Delimiter Separated Values (commas are an example) • LDV . Length Delimited Values It can output data: • All to one file • One file per table • One file per operation code 1. Download GoldenGate Application Adapter Copy flatfilewriter.so library to $OGG_HOME On OGG Big Data ...
usestagingtable (Deprecated) No description No preactions No postactions No extracopyoptions No tempformat No csvnullstring No csvseparator No , Separator to use when writing temporary files with tempformat set to CSV orCSV GZIP. This must be a valid ASCII character, for example, ...
()# Set Amazon Redshift connection propertiesRedshift_jdbc_url="jdbc:redshift://<redshift-endpoint>:<port>/<database>"redshift_table="<schema>.<table_name>"temp_s3_bucket="s3://<bucket_name>/temp/"iam_role_arn="<iam_role_arn>"# Read data from Amazon S3s3_data=spark.read.format(...
(sql); pstmt.execute(); }voidcallable_statement_example(Connection conn)throwsSQLException{CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("CALL sp_create_out_in(?,?)"); cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); cstmt.setInt(2,42); cstmt.executeQuery(); Integer out_value = cstmt.get...