Original URL:https://aws.amazon.com/cn/blogs/big-data/restrict-amazon-redshift-spectrum-external-table-access-to-amazon-redshift-iam-users-and-groups-using-role-chaining/ 在Amazon Redshift Spectrum的助力之下,我们可以利用AWS Glue存储的元存储,对Amazon Simp...
IAM users: Create a role that your user can assume. Follow the instructions inCreate a role for an IAM userin theIAM User Guide. (Not recommended) Attach a policy directly to a user or add a user to a user group. Follow the instructions inAdding permissions to a user (console)in the...
select * from pg_group; Par exemple, pour répertorier tous les utilisateurs d’une base de données par groupe, exécutez la requête SQL suivante. SELECT u.usesysid ,g.groname ,u.usename FROM pg_user u LEFT JOIN pg_group g ON u.usesysid = ANY (g.grolist) Cette page vous a-...
SELECT user_id FROM user_group GROUP BY user_id HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN group_id = 1 THEN 1 END) > 0 AND SUM(CASE WHEN group_id = 2 THEN 1 END) > 0 Users who belong to ANY listed group: SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM user_group WHERE group_id in (1, 5) Users who belong to...
Represents a list of tables. Body TablesList DefinitionsTableRepresents a table. Agrandir le tableau NamePathTypeDescription Name Name string The name of the table. The name is used at runtime. DisplayName DisplayName string The display name of the table.Tables...
"Action": "redshift:JoinGroup", "Resource": "arn:aws:redshift:us-west-1:12345:dbgroup:cluster-identifier/my_dbgroup" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "redshift:DescribeClusters", "iam:ListRoles" ], "Resource": "*" }]} Connect to Redshift The user must specify the role AR...
dsadd user "cn=Bob,cn=Users,dc=adfs,dc=cn" -samid bob -upn bob@adfs.cn -email bob@adfs.cn -fn Bob -ln Wang -display "Bob Wang" -disabled no -empid "dev007" -pwd "MyPassword123(" dsadd group "cn=AWS-Dev, cn=Users, dc=adfs, ...
Since setting usestagingtable=false operation risks data loss / unavailability, we have chosen to deprecate it in favor of requiring users to manually drop the destination table themselves. include_column_list No false If true then this library will automatically extract the columns from the sche...
Represents a list of tables. Body TablesList DefinitionsTableRepresents a table. Разширяваненатаблица NamePathTypeDescription Name Name string The name of the table. The name is used at runtime. DisplayName DisplayName string The display name of the table.Tables...
For example, use a data source naming convention that helps other users of the data source figure out which data source to connect to. From the Schema dropdown list, select a schema or use the text box to search for a schema by name. Under Table, select a table or use the text ...