compound SORTKEY(lo_orderkey,lo_orderdate,lo_custkey,lo_suppkey);CREATETABLElineorder_ei(lo_orderkeyINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_linenumberINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_custkeyINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_partkeyINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_suppkeyINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_orderdateINTEGERNOTNULL,lo_orderpriorityVARCHAR(15)NOTNULL,lo_shippriorityVARC...
Also, as the number of interleaved sort key columns referenced in the query increases so does performance as seen by the decrease in execution time between “WHERE on trailing column” and “WHERE on 3 non-leading columns” fororders_interleaved_4. But, as the number of columns referenced in...
Sort keys Multidimensional data layout sorting (preview) Compound sort key Interleaved sort key Table constraints Loading data Loading tables with COPY Credentials and access permissions Preparing your input data Loading data from Amazon S3 Loading data from compressed and uncompressed files Uploading files...
A full RedshiftSort Keydefinition. Examples include: SORTKEY(my_sort_column) COMPOUND SORTKEY(sort_col_1, sort_col_2) INTERLEAVED SORTKEY(sort_col_1, sort_col_2) usestagingtable(Deprecated) Setting this deprecated option tofalsewill cause an overwrite operation's destination table to be dropp...
Part 3: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys Part 4: Compression Encodings Part 5: Table Data Durability The first table and column properties we discuss in this blog series are table distribution styles (DISTSTYLE) and distribution keys (DISTKEY). This blog installme...
使用interleaved sort key的一个直接后果就是,跟partition相比,需要scan更多data block,这也是我们总结的在我们的测试案例中Greenplum性能优于AWS Redshift的原因。使用interleaved key还有一个副作用,就是对于cardinality会无限增长的字段(譬如时间类型字段)不友好。对于一个PB级的数据仓库,时间通常是一个非常重要的维度。
We now automatically convert tables with manually set interleaved sort keys to compound sort keys if their distribution style has been set to DISTSTYLE KEY, to improve the performance of these tables. This is done at the time of restoring a snapshot into Amazon Redshift Serverless....
INTERLEAVED SORTKEY(sort_col_1, sort_col_2) usestagingtable (Deprecated) No true Setting this deprecated option to false will cause an overwrite operation's destination table to be dropped immediately at the beginning of the write, making the overwrite operation non-atomic and reducing the availa...
Greenplum是一款开源/企业级部署的,基于MPP架构的大规模数据仓库系统,和Oracle Exadata, AWS Redshift, ...
主要区别 2.1.3复合表达式 2.1.4条件比较 2.1.5DDL语法 主要差异: 1.MaxCompute不支持主键自增和PRIMARY KEY 2.指定默认值default]不支持使用函数 3.decimal指定默认值不支持-1 2.1.6DML语法差异 2.1.7内建函数对比 其他未列出的redshift函数不支持。