insert into tickit.sales_update select (salesid + 172456) as salesid, listid, sellerid, buyerid, eventid, dateid, qtysold, pricepaid, commission, getdate() as saletime from tickit.sales_update where saletime > '2008-11-30' and mod(sellerid, 4) = 0; ...
使用您所熟悉的CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT与INSERT INTOSQL语句在Amazon S3上创建并填充外部表,以供Amazon Redshift或者甚至加入数据湖的服务后续使用,这种方式能够消除对分区的手动维护操作。物化视图亦可覆盖外部表,由此进一步增强对数据湖的访问及利用能力。 使用UNLOAD命令,Amazon Redshift能够以大规模并发方式将S...
连接成功后,我们可以使用Python的标准读取语句如SELECT语句来读取数据。以下是一个示例: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM your_table") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) 其中,your_table为要查询的表名。fetchall()函数用于获取所有的查询结果,fetchone()函数则用于获取...
针对Federated Query场景下数据加载过程,如果数据源有数据库INSERT和UPDATE,可以使用如下范例语句。 BEGIN;CREATE TEMP TABLE staging(LIKE ods.store_sales);INSERT INTO staging SELECT*FROM pg.store_sales p WHERE p.last_updated_date>(SELECT MAX(last_updated_date)FROM ods.store_sales)DELETE FROM
create materialized view c as select * from b; insert into a values (1); refresh materialized view c; INFO: Materialized view c is already up to date. However, it depends on another materialized view that is not up to date. REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW b; INFO: Materialized view b was inc...
Amazon Michine Learning(简称Amazon ML)就提供了一套简单而且成本低廉的选项,帮助大家以快速且规模化...
代码语言:javascript 复制 select current_scn from v$databasse; 代码语言:javascript 复制 * Configure init Extract Process and Generate init trail file Name: iegared.prm 代码语言:javascript 复制 sourceistable useridalias ggadmin RMTHOST sjdevbigdtcon01, MGRPORT 7809 RMTFILE ./dirdat/iegared, MEGA...
INSERTINTOusers_imported(*)SELECT* FROMjdbc('redshift','select username, firstname, lastname from users') Query id: 9d3a688d-b45a-40f4-a7c7-97d93d7149f1 Ok. 0 rows in set. Elapsed: 4.498 sec. Processed 49.99 thousand rows, 2.49 MB (11.11 thousand rows/s., 554.27 KB/s.) ...
insertintosnowplow.event_copy (select*fromsnowplow.event);droptablesnowplow.event;altertablesnowplow.event_copyrenametoevent;committransaction; Verify that the sort and dist keys are in place: SETsearch_pathto'snowplow';SELECT"column",type,encoding, distkey, sortkeyFROMpg_table_defWHEREtablename ='...
insert into numbers select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11 union all ...