red shift 美['redʃɪft] 英['redʃɪft] na.【天】红移 网络红移现象;红移值;红向移动 复数:redshifts 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【天】红移,红向移动 例句 释义: 全部,红移,红移现象,红移值,红向移动
Analytic model for the bispectrum of galaxies in redshift space formation, as this allows for the self-consistent inclusion of linear and nonlinear redshift-space distortions and also for the nonlinearity of the halo ... RE Smith,RK Sheth,R Scoccimarro - 《Physical Review D》 被引量: 68发表...
self-shadow:模型复杂时自身是否对自身投射阴影。 visible in refraction:折射可见 就是关掉在其他物体的折射中就看不见。打个比方不想在透明的玻璃球上看到后面的正方体。就要把对象标签加在立方体上,然后关掉本选项(这一块很多人搞反。包括反光板影响谁。用后面的排除也行。要加在反光板上才行。 casts reflection...
The “render in camera space” option eliminates this type of issue by moving the scene around the camera so that numerical precision is maintained as much as possible. 使用Render in camera sapce选项可以通过将场景位置设定到摄像机的附近来尽可能提高精度,以消除此类问题。 Render Two Passes For Denoi...
Redshift, displacement of the spectrum of an astronomical object toward longer (red) wavelengths. It is attributed to the Doppler effect, a change in wavelength that results when an object and an observer are in motion with respect to each other. Learn a
What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay See All 8 Words with Fascinating Histories 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments Birds Say the Darndest Things ...
screen space adaptive:根据摄像机离物体的远近程度进行细分的大小变化。 smoothing:是否对模型进行平滑细分。其他的选项之前置换讲过大家回看。 3.matte(蒙版) 主要是配合阴影捕捉进行实景合成,简单的只用它也行。找一张好的hdr实景图,带地面的。 建一个平面,把物体放上去投射阴影。然后给平面加对象标签。
The multipole moments of the power spectrum of large-scale structure, observed in redshift space, are calculated for a finite sample volume, incorporating the effects of both the linear velocity field and cosmological geometry. A variance calculation that includes the effects of shot noise is also...
One-loop power spectrum of biased tracers in redshift space:1610.09321 Exact-time dependence:2005.04805,2111.05739 Wedges /P-statistics:2110.00016 When using the likelihoods, here are some relevant references: BOSS DR12 data:1607.03155, catalogs:1509.06529, patchy mocks (for covariance estimation):1509.0...
red shift 美['redʃɪft] 英['redʃɪft] na.【天】红移 网络红移现象;红移值;红向移动 复数:redshifts 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【天】红移,红向移动 例句 释义: 全部,红移,红移现象,红移值,红向移动