GRANT{{CREATE | TEMPORARY | TEMP | ALTER } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON DATABASEdb_name[, ...] TO{username[ WITH GRANT OPTION ] | ROLErole_name| GROUPgroup_name| PUBLIC } [, ...] GRANT{{CREATE | USAGE | ALTER | DROP } [,...] | ALL [ PRIVILEGES ] } ON SCHEMA...
DROP SCHEMA Superuser. Users with the DROP SCHEMA permission. Schema owner. ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES Superuser. Users with the ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES permission. Users changing their own default access permissions. Users setting permissions for schemas that they have access permissions to. ...
.option("user", "username") .option("password", "password") .option("database", "database-name") .option("dbtable", "schema-name.table-name") # if schema-name is not specified, default to "public". .option("tempdir", "s3a://<bucket>/<directory-path>") .option("forward_spark...
You can grant user permissions to a subset of columns. Similar to managing any database object, column-level access control can be done by using GRANT and REVOKE statements at the column level. Row-Level Security (Rls) To ensure that sensitive data is only accessible by those who need it,...
Have Redshift assume an IAM role (most secure): You can grant Redshift permission to assume an IAM role during COPY or UNLOAD operations and then configure this library to instruct Redshift to use that role: Create an IAM role granting appropriate S3 permissions to your bucket. Follow the ...
Have Redshift assume an IAM role (most secure): You can grant Redshift permission to assume an IAM role duringCOPYorUNLOADoperations and then configure this library to instruct Redshift to use that role: Create an IAM role granting appropriate S3 permissions to your bucket. ...
Through this federated setup, users can connect to the Redshift Query Editor using their existing Microsoft Entra ID credentials, allowing you to control permissions for database objects based on business groups defined in your Active Directory. This approach provides a seamless user e...
Amazon Q generative SQL has built-in safety features to warn if a generated SQL statement will modify data and will only run based on user permissions. To test this, let’s ask Amazon Q to “delete data fromweb_salestable.” Amazon Q gives a message “I detected that ...
Lastly, if we are solely interested only thenamesoftableswhich are user-defined, we’ll need to filter the above results by retrievingDISTINCTitems from within thetablenamecolumn: SELECT DISTINCT tablename FROM PG_TABLE_DEF WHERE schemaname = 'public'; ...