randrange(1, 100), 'current_temperature': current_temperature, 'status': status, 'event_time': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat() } def send_data(stream_name, kinesis_client): while True: data = get_random_data() partition_key...
Datetime format strings Numeric format strings Teradata-style formatting for numeric data Date and time functions + (Concatenation) operator ADD_MONTHS AT TIME ZONE CONVERT_TIMEZONE CURRENT_DATE DATE_CMP DATE_CMP_TIMESTAMP DATE_CMP_TIMESTAMPTZ DATEADD DATEDIFF DATE_PART DATE_PART_YEAR DATE_TRUNC EX...
我正在尝试从S3中使用COPY命令将.parquet文件加载到我的红移数据库中。 该文件包含一个日期格式为2018-10-28的列。Redshift中表中的相关字段定义为date。源spark数据帧将字段显示为datetime64,并将其转换为pandas,因为它是时间戳。使用简单的COPYdates FROM s3://m ...
EventHour datetime Event hour. Sort key EventName varchar(255) Event name EventTypeId int Event type Id EventLength bigint How long did the event take? Represents session length in milliseconds on session end events EventLtvValue double Monetary value extracted from the event DataConnectionType var...
日期時間 (Datetime) 類型範例 日期、時間和時間戳記常值 間隔資料類型和常值 不含限定詞語法的間隔常值範例 布林值 (Boolean) 類型 HLLSKETCH 類型 SUPER 類型 VARBYTE 類型 定序序列 表達式 複合運算式 表達式清單 賦值子查詢 函數表達式 條件 比較條件 邏輯條件 模式比對條件 LIKE SIMILAR 至 POSIX 運算子 BET...
{ "awsRegion": "us-east-1", "eventID": "6d24680a-6d12-49e2-8a6b-86ffdc7306c1", "eventName": "INSERT", "userIdentity": null, "recordFormat": "application/json", "tableName": "sample-dynamoDB", "dynamodb": { "ApproximateCreationD...
cursor.execute("SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") print(cursor.fetchone()) >> [datetime.datetime(2020, 10, 26, 23, 3, 54, 756497, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)] Connection Parameters NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueRequired access_key_id str The access key for the IAM role or IAM user configured...
Return type:datetime username¶ [Required]Gets the username of this AmazonRedshiftConnectionSummary. The username Oracle GoldenGate uses to connect the associated system of the given technology. This username must already exist and be available by the system/application to be...
current_timestamp(0):timestamp Replace or optimize user-defined functions (UDFs). The following sample code provides an example of a UDF of Amazon Redshift: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.f_jdate(dt timestamp without time zone) RETURNS character...
time_created (datetime)– The value to assign to the time_created property of this AmazonRedshiftConnection. time_updated (datetime)– The value to assign to the time_updated property of this AmazonRedshiftConnection. locks (list[oci.golden_gate.models.ResourceLock])– The value t...