EXTRACT函数:从日期中提取特定的部分,如年份、月份、日等。例如,EXTRACT(YEAR FROM date_column)可以从日期列中提取年份。 DATE_TRUNC函数:将日期按指定的粒度进行截断。例如,DATE_TRUNC('month', date_column)将日期截断为月份。 DATE_ADD函数:在日期上进行加法操作。例如,DATE_ADD(date_column, INTERVAL 1 DAY...
The EXTRACT function returns a date or time part from a TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMPTZ, TIME, TIMETZ, INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH, or INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND value. Examples include a day, month, year, hour, minute, second, millisecond, or microsecond from a timestamp. ...
-- 创建新表 CREATE TABLE sales_month_year AS SELECT sale_date, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM sale_date) AS sale_year, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sale_date) AS sale_month FROM sales; 如果我们想要将这些分解的年和月字段合并回一个日期字段(假设我们有一个特定的年份和月份),我们可以这样做: 代码语言:txt 复制 --...
Returns the difference between two dates or times for a given date part, such as a day or month. DATEDIFF (datepart, {date|time|timetz|timestamp}, {date|time|timetz|timestamp}) BIGINT DATE_PART Extracts a date part value from a date or time. DATE_PART (datepart, {date|timestamp})...
For Greenplum, the date subfields need to be in single quotes, whereas for Amazon Redshift, we can use date subfields such as year, month, week, day, minute, second without quotes. For Greenplum, we have to subtract the subfield from one part to another...
Getting Day, Month, and Year from CURRENT_DATE The CURRENT_DATE function returns the date in YYYY-MM-DD format in the UTC time zone. You can extract the year, the month, and the day from the date using the EXTRACT function in Amazon Redshift. ...
Materialized views:Amazon Redshift materialized views is designed to help you to achieve faster query performance for iterative or predictable analytical workloads such as dashboarding, and queries from Business Intelligence (BI) tools, and extract, transform and load (ETL) data processing jobs. You...
publish it to the Power BI Service. Note that, unlike in most other cases, the Publish button is disabled in Power BI Desktop for now. This will change with next month’s (April) release of Power BI Desktop, allowing you to publish your Redshift-based reports directly from Power ...
start_time, hour, day, week, month, year, weekday Stagging Tables staging_events - log data files event_id, artist, auth, first_name, gender, item_session, last_name, length, level, location, method, page, registration, session_id, song, status, ts, user_agent, user_id staging_son...
本文档详细介绍了Redshift和MaxCompute之间SQL语法的异同。这篇文档有助于加快sql任务迁移到MaxCompute。由于Redshift和MaxCompute之间语法存在很多差异,因此我们需要修改Redshift上编写的脚本,然后才能在MaxCompute中使用,因为服务之间的SQL方言不同。 2.迁移前RedShift于MaxCompute的各项对比差异 ...