在導覽功能表上,選擇叢集,然後選擇您要修改快照的叢集。 對於Actions (動作),選擇 Configure cross-region snapshot (設定跨區域快照) 以顯示快照的屬性。 輸入快照定義的修訂屬性,然後選擇 Save (儲存)。此頁面是否有幫助? 是 否 提供意見回饋 下一個主題:刪除手動快照 上一個主題:修改手動快照保留期 需要協助?
As part of our plan to make it even easier for you to build and run AWS applications that have a global footprint, I am happy to announce that Amazon Redshift now has the ability to automatically back up your cluster to a second AWS region! You simply select the second region and the...
Returns the destination region and retention period that are configured for cross-region snapshot copy.Contents Note In the following list, the required parameters are described first.DestinationRegion The destination region that snapshots are automatically copied to when cross-region snapshot copy is ...
For library versions that work with Spark 1.x, please check the1.x branch. Currently, only master-SNAPSHOT is supported. NOTE: In the examples below,2.12is the Scala version. If you are using a different version, be sure to update these values accordingly. Release builds You may use this...
{ "SNAPSHOT_ID": "redshift-cluster-manual-snapshot", "SNAPSHOT_ACCOUNT_ID": "123456789012", "PARAMETER_GROUP_CONFIG_S3_PATH": "s3://node-config-compare-bucket/pg_config.json", "DDL_AND_COPY_SCRIPT_S3_PATH": "s3://node-config-compare-bucket/ddl.sql", "SQL_SCRIPT_S3_...
mode cluster \ --master yarn \ --jars https://s3.amazonaws.com/redshift-downloads/drivers/jdbc/ \ --packages org.apache.spark:spark-avro_2.11:2.4.2,io.github.spark-redshift-community:spark-redshift_2.11:4.0.0-SNAPSHOT \ my_script....
s updated in the data warehouse. Customers can securely share live data with Amazon Redshift clusters in the same ordifferent AWS accountswithin the same region oracross regions. Data sharing features several performance enhancements, including result caching and concurrency scaling, which allow...
In particular, there is a sensitive region below the ankle, that is, for 1×1018eV≤𝐸≤6×1018eV1×1018eV≤E≤6×1018eV. Due to the reduced CMB photon density at the same finite redshift, there is a higher flux of UHECRs under otherwise equal conditions for emission and propagation...
Authorize the snapshot to the target account where you plan to run the replay process. Upload the source cluster configuration parameters to the fetch Amazon S3 bucket. Run the ingest process to get logs from the source cluster and put them into the ingest Amazon S3 bucket. ...
DynamoDB的on-demand capacity能快速scale,与之对应的是Provision Capacity,有基准的R/W rate,也能配合auto scaling伸缩,但是受限制。 Redshift Redshift的HA可以通过Cross Region Snapshot来实现。