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Fig. 1.Oxidation-reduction reactions are essential processes both during rest and exercise.To produce energy, muscle fibers oxidize carbons sourced from food, while O2is reduced and transported to the muscle. Incomplete reduction of O2results in the generation of O2•-, which is then dismutated...
All the results presented so far pertain to situations where the extracellular H2O2 concentration is sustained long enough for the system to approach a steady state. However, H2O2 production is very dynamic in the seconds and minutes subsequent to growth factor binding to receptors [25], [27], ...
Oxygen is also a substrate for oxidative reactions supported by various oxidases, the activities of which result in the production of ROS. Although ROS can be detrimental to cells, they are also bona fide second messengers regulating a number of physiological processes16,17. To investigate the pu...
The Fe/Cr system has the following problems: the Cr ions' electrode reaction is slow; because the different metal ions are used in positive and negative reactions, each ion is mixed through the membrane and thus gradually de- crease the battery capacity; the Cr ions' redox potential is ...
The Fe/Cr system has the following problems: the Cr ions' electrode reaction is slow; because the different metal ions are used in positive and negative reactions, each ion is mixed through the membrane and thus gradually de- crease the battery capacity; the Cr ions' redox potential is ...
structure-function relationships15,34,35,75. A current drawback of intracellular roGFP2-based mechanistic studies is, however, that the mechanisms and structure-function relationships still have to be validated in vitro. Deciphering the reversible glutaredoxin-dependent redox reactions of roGFP2 therefore...
NADPH provides the reducing power for most cellular biosynthetic reactions, contributes to antioxidative defense mechanisms and plays key roles in signaling pathways, integrating developmental and environmental stimuli in eukaryotes, bacteria and archaea1,2,3,4,5,6. Enzymes catalyzing NADP(H)-associated ...
through different states studied. It is this regime, located at around 700 °C and a H2/O2ratio of 96/4, on which we will focus in this work. Admittedly, this temperature is relatively high compared to typical Cu catalysed reactions. Important for catalysis in general is that the redox...
Low charge (closer to zero) resulted in low cell fluorescence. For charges between zero and B À 0.27 C, initial increases in fluorescence were followed by decreases. In these situations, the Fcn(R) amount converted to Fcn(O) was not sufficient to enable continued expression over the time...