You only need to hold the power button to perform a force restart on your Redmi Note 9 Pro stuck on MiUi logo. Holding it for around 10 seconds will be enough. If the standard method doesn't work, you can try the following alternative: Press and Hold the Power and Volume Up Buttons:...
上月买首发 Redmi Note 12 Turbo 的礼包到了! 王一博签名海报、蓝牙音箱 和 Redmi Trubo 手提袋 … 迟了近一个月才发货,而且怎么看也觉得不值¥198 [允悲] 不是王一博粉丝,这套就安排掉吧。
Note: While this method can be useful if you don't have access to a PC, it does have some potential drawbacks. It may not work on all Xiaomi, Redmi, or Poco devices, including Mi A3. This method only disables the Google app, and you may need it for various other tasks. It ...
22-11-3 22:08 发布于 广东 来自 Note 9 4G #王一博和Note12的一瞬间#redmi大卖 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 超话粉丝大咖(王一博超话) 查看更多 a 3289关注 1536粉丝 23920微博 微关系 他的关注(3031...
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