devname :Redmi Note 12 4G NFC 国际 devcode :topaz HyperOS:released attentions bllock :unlock,applyurl vernote :vermess dutyfree :notice 国际稳定版 keyboard_arrow_down numericmiuiandroidrecoveryfastboot 7V14.0.8.0.TMGMIXM13.0recoveryfastboot ...
机型名称 :Redmi Note 12 4G NFC 国际 机型代号 :topaz HyperOS:现已发布,点击前往 注意事项 解锁B L :所有线刷都以解锁Bootloader为前提,并且解锁Bootloader时会清除数据,请提前做好备份工作,点击前往登记 版本提醒 :如果您在线刷包名中发现debug字样,请勿轻易尝试,该类刷机包稳定性较差,不推荐使用 ...
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 4G NFC (topaz) OFFICIAL MIUI, HyperOS firmware of Recovery and Fastboot for region/country with Europe (EEA), Global, Indonesia (ID), Russia (RU)
Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 4G NFC (topaz) Indonesia (ID) official ROM, include stable, weekly and beta MIUI, as well as HyperOS firmware which can be … Reply L Lasithanet XNp 11 Oct 2023 Ayub Ajie , 26 Sep 2023In Indonesia there is already a 256 GB variantHi My friend if you are an Indonesian...
Ayub Ajie uEx 12 Oct 2023 Lasithanet, 11 Oct 2023Hi My friend if you are an Indonesian, could you download your ROM and attach it to google dri... moretry downloading it here
ThreadRedmi note 12 4g tapas custom rom Hello. I need a custom rom for redmi note 12 4g tapas. phone rooted. i tried several topaz/tapas roms not worked for me. and i cant change boot animation someone says its impossible in android 14. thanks ...
bugfixhelp & troubleshootingrebootredmisuperior ostopaz custom roms Replies: 4 Forum:Redmi Note 12 4G ThreadGCam for Redmi Note 9 Pro Guys I really need your help with this one. Can you recommend me which apk, config and settings to use for this phone. I just discovered GCam and I'm bl...
Redmi Note 12 NFC 4G (topaz) Redmi 11 Prime 5G / Redmi 10 5G / Redmi 10 Prime+ 5G / Redmi Note 11E (light) Redmi Note 11R (lightcm) Redmi Note 12 Turbo (marble) Redmi Note 12 4G (tapas) Redmi Note 12S (sea) Redmi Note 13 Pro (garnet) ...
Today we will know about different Xiaomi Smartphones Codename. We will list up various Xiaomi devices across different ranges and their