Redmi Note 10s,配备四摄像头和长电池续航,以及 Redmi Note 10 Pro,因其 1.08 亿像素摄像头而脱颖而出。据 Etercor 称,在阿根廷公众中欢迎程度很高,以至于在最初几周“库存脱销”。 目前,这些手机是进口设备,可以通过 Mercado Libre、Frávega 或 Red Megatone 的小米官方商店独家购买。 从本周日收到的确认函...
XiaomiRedmi Note 4G (dior) Global official ROM, include stable, weekly and beta MIUI firmware which can be updated withRecoveryandFastboot(need mi flash tool). This is a complete collection of Redmi Note 4G MIUI firmware created for Region/Country withGlobal, may avaliable for models2014715,2014...