感谢up的教程,红米9无限重启救砖成功。不过我按你的教程miflashpro最新版刷会报错ERROR : STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)【HINT】: Please select a valid authentication file or ask for help.但是我直接把无线重启的手机插到电脑,等手机重启黑屏的一瞬间就自动开始刷机不会报错了 还有我的小米账号没...
XiaomiRedmi 9A/9i/9AT / 9A Sport/10A / 10A Sport (dandelion) China official ROM, include stable, weekly and beta MIUI, as well as HyperOS firmware which can be updated withRecoveryandFastboot(need mi flash tool). This is a complete collection of Redmi 9A/9i/9AT / 9A Sport/10A / 10...
liu 红米9A(redmi9A)刷64位系统 | 1.正常升级系统到官方最新版miui12.5.21(确定一定是安卓11)2.解锁BL锁(开发者选项里用流量绑定账号7天,7天后用官方解锁工具,miui flash unlock解锁)——第二步和第一步顺序无所谓3.下载所需工具,recover.img是rec,搞基助手是刷机用的,libusb是驱动,lineage20 20230627是64...
Xiaomi Redmi 9A/9i/9AT / 9A Sport/10A / 10A Sport (dandelion) Global official ROM, include stable, weekly and beta MIUI, as well as HyperOS firmware which can be updated with Recovery and Fastboot (need mi flash tool). This is a complete collection of Redmi 9A/9i/9AT / 9A Sport/...
感谢up的教程,红米9无限重启救砖成功。不过我按你的教程miflashpro最新版刷会报错ERROR : STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)【HINT】: Please select a valid authentication file or ask for help.但是我直接把无线重启的手机插到电脑,等手机重启黑屏的一瞬间就自动开始刷机不会报错了 ...
fastboot flash vbmeta vbmeta.img fastboot flash boot boot.img Full debloated and uncrypted rom with recovery mode : Unzip vendor system product image file on your phone Recovery.img boot.img vbmeta.img near your fastboot programm Flash recovery.img boot.img and vbmeta with fastboot : fastboot ...
My Xiaomi Redmi 9A phone is stuck in a boot loop and not recognized by the computer anymore. I have been trying to solve the issue and I think is related wit...
感谢up的教程,红米9无限重启救砖成功。不过我按你的教程miflashpro最新版刷会报错ERROR : STATUS_SEC_AUTH_FILE_NEEDED (0xC0030012)【HINT】: Please select a valid authentication file or ask for help.但是我直接把无线重启的手机插到电脑,等手机重启黑屏的一瞬间就自动开始刷机不会报错了 ...
Flash magisk from twrp and retry I cannot run twrp because it's not possible to install it on Redmi 9a yet Original boot.img isn't uploaded probably!! I zipped it becuause the github does not allow to upload IMG files and it has restriction of the file size. ...
–Added Huawei Y9A FRL-L22 Force BRom mode from Upgrade Mode. –Added Huawei Y9A FRL-L22 Exit BRom mode. 2022 MTK META Utility V52 10TH AUG Update–Fixed VIVO New security (MT6768-MT6833P-MT6853) Read Info only from preloader mode.$– This software is provided ‘as-is’, without ...