红米8a为32位系统的9.0,和红米7系列一样坑爹所以就算你解锁了BL ,刷了TWRP 你卡刷 Magisk 一样会没有root权限 本人亲测经过很长时间努力 ,重新编译了 内核源码, 终于解决 重启后 root依然生效。 不会丢失 ,可以安装各种模块 送TA礼物 1楼2020-05-21 21:48回复 cnmlbccc 1L喂熊 1 需要获取root权限的...
6)安装完成后,重启手机,等1-2分钟,LineageOS开始启动。 5、其他参考页面: [GUIDE] Flash Retrofit Dynamic Partition ROMs on Redmi 7A/8/8Aforum.xda-developers.com/t/guide-flash-retrofit-dynamic-partition-roms-on-redmi-7a-8-8a.4515423/ Mi439 (pine + olives) 设备刷入动态分区教程fatdeadpand...
Ive had the Redmi Note 10 Pro for a while, jumped between ArrowOS or LineageOS liked them both, cant find support for the redmi note 13/13c on their sights sadly, are there any custom roms that are similar to them? if not ill just install stock android!
Recently, I upgraded by Redmi 7A to Andy Yan's Personal Build GSI LineageOS 20 and the base vendor OS to V12.5.3.0.QCMEUXM. The difficulty there was that I had to reflash the userdata.img from V10.2.5EU else the LineageOS 20 got stuck in the boot animation while the USB Debugg...
《小米手机英文代号查询大全》小米手机的每个机型都有对应的英文代号名称,如果你需要在网上和国外外搜寻系统资源的时候,不知道手机代号那可能找到资源也不知道是不是自己型号的,番茄今天就搜集整理了一下,供大家参考。 小米每个机型都有对应的英文代号名称,早期命名以数字字母组成,后期采用了星座、化学元素等名词。其中红...
(如果出现分享次数已用完,请将文件保存到自己的微云,然后从自己的网盘下载就可以了) ▼版本信息 作者快乐我期待 适用机型红米2 移动版+联通版+电信版 (wt86047 & wt88047) ROM版本LineageOS14.1 (N2G47E) 新浪微博http://weibo.com/happymiui ▼更 分享1246 红米k40吧 贴吧用户_74CUCK4 求助红米k40线上在...
UP主直接刷入LineageOS,附步骤教程 Virtual-Z· 2023-10-29 7390104:16 用刚到手的redmi电脑音响听一首A叔的钢琴华彩 大卷君丶· 2023-12-14 1126001:10 红米小米电视Redmi A75 2025款参数介绍,评价怎么样,值得入手吗? 买西红柿不用券· 4-25 1.9万310:48 全网最简单的Redmi 9A刷64位教程 Simlalsy· 2023...
https://xdaforums.com/project-trebl...i-lineageos-16-0-gsi-arm64-ab-how-to-t3908029 Minimal ADB and Fastboot https://xdaforums.com/showthread.php?t=2317790 Patched boot img file (You have to choose the correct file according to your system version!) http://www.mediafire.com/folder/...
(如果出现分享次数已用完,请将文件保存到自己的微云,然后从自己的网盘下载就可以了) ▼版本信息 作者快乐我期待 适用机型红米2 移动版+联通版+电信版 (wt86047 & wt88047) ROM版本LineageOS14.1 (N2G47E) 新浪微博http://weibo.com/happymiui ▼更 分享1246 红米note3吧 瑞红9 红米note3掉进水里后一直重启,...
I've been using the official magisk and lineageos 17 on the redmi 6a, which works just fine. cprogiopouloscommentedOct 28, 2021• edited Some oppo devices have locked fastboot (shitty oppo patches). You need to replace it either with debug aboot or use the right magisk as stated in ...