红米5/Redmi 5 免授权 不用9008模式也不用拆机 移除FRP谷歌锁小米账户 UnlockTool操作视频教程admin2022-12-6 05:13 红米5/Redmi 5 手机深度刷机图文教程,高通9008(EDL)解锁救砖方法admin2022-12-6 05:13 红米5/Redmi 5 拆机进深度刷机模式清晰短接图,刷机、解锁进高通9008模式(EDL)方法admin2022-12-6 05:...
how can you unlock bootloader? what recovery use? Reply M Marius SvB 10 Aug 2024 Hello sir! Please tell me how can i flash that custom Lineage rom to my Ciaomi Redmi 3s device. I cannot find in boot mode the option to delete the previous rom (standard one) Reply ? Anonymous gIV...
5. Runmiflash_unlock.exefrom miflash_unlock folder and sign in with your mi account. 6.ConnectYour Phone To Pc and then click Unlock Button. 7. Once your device is connected to your computer Press “Unlock”and follow the waiting period shown in Mi Unlock Tool to unlock your device. ...
9. Open the Mi unlock tool folder you extracted in Step 2 and openmiflash_unlock.exefileand click on Agree. 9.Sign in to your Mi account (the same account you signed in on the phone). 10. Once the phone connects, click on Unlock. 11. You will get the error message,Couldn't unlo...
screen real estate, lag isn't really an issue I just want a device that can handle multiple apps and can open them quickly which this does well, dual apps is great you can open two of the same app and use another account with it, cleaner and security built in I use this regularly....