In the United States and Canada, redlining is the discriminatory and unethical practice of systematic denial of providing services, particularly financial services, to residents of certain neighborhoods or communities associated with a certain racial or ethnic group. The denial of services can be accomp...
The Rising of Systemic Racism and Redlining in the United States of AmericaEdward Brian Flournoy
这种作法通常是违反法律的,构成非法歧视。 In the United States, redlining is a discriminatory practice in which services (financial and otherwise) are withheld from potential customers who reside in neighborhoods classified as "hazardous" to investment; these neighborhoods have significant numbers of racia...
“The days of redlining vendors are over and old tools of exclusion are no longer legal,” he said. FromLos Angeles Times In the United States, the burden of lead exposure has historically fallen on lower-income communities and communities of color because of redlining and other discriminatory...
Explore the history of redlining and housing discrimination in Des Moines, Iowa. Watch our 5-Part Video Series and discover resources to learn more about this important topic.
the outskirts of metropolitan areas as more people decide to leave their residences in the urban cities into more of a rural area ( 283). This type of housing become increasingly popular “Between 1948 and 1958, as 85% of the new homes built in the United States were located in suburbs”...
A. Historic redlining and the siting of oil and gas wells in the United States. J. Exposure Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., (2022). Krieger, N. et al. Structural racism, historical redlining, and risk of preterm birth in New York City, 2013–...
The history of redlining began during theGreat Depression. Economic hardship struck the United States in the late 1920s and early 1930s. By 1933, the unemployment rate was higher than 25%, incomes had plummeted by more than half, and over a million Americans were facing foreclosure on their...
Redlining has been a long-standing problem in the United States that has led to long-term health consequences and other inequalities. New spatial methods, such as using adaptive spatial filtering techniques, have enabled measures of inequality for neighborhoods to be created and used to demonstrate...
Living in a historically redlined neighborhood may increase residents' chances of experiencingkidney failurein the United States, particularly for Black people, according to a new study led by Boston University School of Public Health. Redlining, the discriminatory 1930's federal housing policy that ...