Redline Hot Wheels Wanted! Cash paid! Current Sections: 68 Custom Camaro - US & HK 68 Custom Mustang - US & HK 68 Custom T-Bird - US 68 Ford J-Car - US & HK 69 Classic '32 Ford Vicky - US 69 Lola GT70 - US ...
Redlines" by collectors because of the red circle on their tire sidewalls. The first 5 years of Hot Wheels also feature "Spectra-Flame" paint which gives them beautiful color. I loved these Hot Wheels as a child in 1968 and have collected them as an adult since 1988. If you have any ...
have given to early Hot Wheels with the red circle tiresThey really should have been called "Red Circles" because there is no "line" on the tires, a line never meets itself! The 1968 to 1972 models are the most popular Hot Wheels of all time! - I buy vintage Hot Wheels Redlines and Vintage Matchbox, Moko Lesney, Playart, Siko Schuco and Tomica brands.
Having bought and sold thousands of early Hot Wheels over the last 24 years, I always put the seller first and make sure they get a fair price for their cars. I like to buy early "Redline" Hot Wheels, made by Mattel Toys in the 60's and 70's and I have built a large customer ...