I swear I had tried multiple times to dosudo service redis-server startand got errors. I've since uninstalled and reinstalled bash several times. I just gave it another try, and redis-server started with no problem this time as a service, and redis-cli started right up and connected fine...
如果服务停止、服务IP不正确或是端口不正确时会提示以下错误信息 Could not connect to Redis at localhost:6379: 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。 not connected> 1. 2. 3. 对于允许其它设备访问的redis服务器必须打开防火墙对应的端口,否则也会提示以上错误信息。 如果服务器设置了密码,在执行操作时会提示没有...
1.进入安装的redis目录 2.在命令行中依次运行以下命令 redis-cli.exe 1. 结果:E:\Redis\Redis-3.0>redis-cli.exe 1. shutdown 1. 结果:>shutdown 1. exit 1. 结果:not connected>exit 1. 重新运行 redis-server.exe redis.windows.conf 1. 启动成功 退出: exit / ctrl+c 1. I look...
如果服务停止、服务IP不正确或是端口不正确时会提示以下错误信息 Could not connect to Redis at localhost:6379:由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。 not connected> 对于允许其它设备访问的redis服务器必须打开防火墙对应的端口,否则也会提示以上错误信息。 如果服务器设置了密码,在执行操作时会提示没有权限。 3、中文...
not connected>ping Could not connect to Redis at192.168.127.130:9999: Connection refused 通常在检测到断开连接后,CLI始终尝试以透明方式重新连接:如果尝试失败,则会显示错误并进入断开连接状态。 以下是断开和重新连接的示例:>debug restart ...
I terminated the redis server using SHUTDOWN from redis-cli. Now the prompt shows 'not connected>'. The only way I found to restart the server was to exit the redis-cli prompt and then do a restart of the redis service. My question is, is there any way to restart the server from ...
not connected> ping Could not connect to Redis at localhost:8888: Connection refused 通常情况下,一旦被检测到失去连接,CLI总是会尝试重连:如果尝试失败,redis-cli将会打印错误信息并且进入未连接状态。当重连接成功后,redis-cli将自动选择进入失连钱最后一个数据库,除此之外,所有的其他连接信息均会丧失,如在执...
Could not connect to Redis at127.0.0.1:6379: Connection refused not connected> ping PONG127.0.0.1:6379> (now we are connected again) 当重新连接成功了,redis-cli自动重新选择最新的数据库。然而,其他的状态将会丢失,比如我们正在执行的事务:
master connected_slaves:0 master_repl_offset:0 repl_backlog_active:0 repl_backlog_size:1048576 repl_backlog_first_byte_offset:0 repl_backlog_histlen:0 # CPU used_cpu_sys:0.05 used_cpu_user:0.11 used_cpu_sys_children:0.00 used_cpu_user_children:0.00 # Commandstats # Cluster cluster_...
127.130:9999: Connection refused not connected> ping Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused 通常在检测到断开连接后,CLI始终尝试以透明方式重新连接:如果尝试失败,则会显示错误并进入断开连接状态。 以下是断开和重新连接的示例:> debug restart Could not ...