Redis FLUSHALL is one of the mechanisms to delete all the keys which are existed on the redis databases by using CLI commands. In order to execute these flush database modifications and gather N number of threads, it must delete the keys associated with the mapped nodes.. FLUSHALL is databa...
CLUSTER DELSLOTS <slot> [slot ...] 移除一个或多个槽对当前节点的指派。 CLUSTER FLUSHSLOTS 移除指派给当前节点的所有槽,让当前节点变成一个没有指派任何槽的节点。 CLUSTER SETSLOT <slot> NODE <node_id> 将槽 slot 指派给 node_id 指定的节点,如果槽已经指派给另一个节点,那么先让另一个节点删除该槽...
CLUSTER DELSLOTS<slot>[slot ...] 移除一个或多个槽对当前节点的指派。 CLUSTER FLUSHSLOTS 移除指派给当前节点的所有槽,让当前节点变成一个没有指派任何槽的节点。 CLUSTER SETSLOT<slot> NODE <node_id> 将槽 slot 指派给 node_id 指定的节点,如果槽已经指派给另一个节点,那么先让另一个节点删除该槽>,...
redis清除缓存flushredis清理缓存 方案1(windows操作系统):进入redis的安装目录双击redis-cli.exe执行:dbsize执行:flushall退出方案2(linux操作系统):进入redis命令行 1、首先启动redis服务redis-server /home/redis/redis_7901.conf2、然后进入redis安装目录cd /usr/rediscd /usr/local/software/re ...
FLUSHALL synchronously flushes all keys in the database by default. With Redis 6.2 version, if configuration lazyfree-lazy-user-flush is set to “yes”, default flush mode is set to Asynchronous mode. One of the modifiers is used to present the flushing mode, i.e., ASYNC or SYNC. ...
replica-lazy-flushno lazyfree-lazy-user-del no appendonly no appendfilename"appendonly.aof"appendfsync everysec no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no auto-aof-rewrite-percentage100auto-aof-rewrite-min-size64mb aof-load-truncated yes aof-use-rdb-preamble yes ...
migrate_flush: migrate_flush=yes 意思是我们每写入socket一条命令之后, 立即调用一次 SocketOutputStream.flush(). 如果 migrate_flush=no 我们每写入 64KB 到 socket 才调用一次 SocketOutputStream.flush(). 请注意这个参数影响 migrate_retries. migrate_retries 只有在 migrate_flush=yes 的时候生效.同步...
一、redis启动 本地启动:redis-cli 远程启动:redis-cli -h host -p port -a password Redis 连接命令 1 AUTH password 验证密码是否正确 2 ECHO message 打印字符串 3 PING 查看服务是否运行 4 QUIT 关闭当前连接 5 SELECT index 切换到指定的数据库 二、redis keys命令 1、DEL key DUMP key 序列化给定...
migrate_batch_size=4096migrate_retries=1migrate_flush=yes migrate_batch_size: By default we use redispipelineto migrate data to remote. themigrate_batch_sizeis thepipelinebatch size. ifmigrate_batch_size=1then thepipelinedevolved into 1 single command to sent and wait the response from remote. ...
at java.base/ at at com.moilioncircle.redis.replicator.RedisSocketReplicator.send( ...