public bool Remove(string key) { return Redis.Remove(key); } /// /// 移除未指定hashId的所有keys的数据 /// 原指令:HDEL key field [field ...] /// 时间复杂度:O(N) N是被删除的字段数量。 /// /// /// <returns></returns> public void RemoveAll(string[] keys) { Redis.Remove...
redisTemplate.opsForSet().union(key, otherKeys); 1. key集合与otherKey集合的并集存储到destKey中(otherKeys可以为单个值或者是集合) redisTemplate.opsForSet().unionAndStore(key, otherKey, destKey); 1. 获取两个或者多个集合的差集(otherKeys可以为单个值或者是集合) redisTemplate.opsForSet().difference(...
一、直接删除大Key的风险 DEL命令在删除单个集合类型的Key时,命令的时间复杂度是O(M),其中M是集合类型Key包含的元素个数。 DEL keyTime complexity: O(N) where N is the number of keys that will be removed. When a key to remove holds a value other than a string, the individual complexity for ...
* Set删除: sscan + srem */publicvoiddelBigSet(String key,int count){ScanOptions scanOptions=ScanOptions.scanOptions().count(count).build();Cursor<String>cursor=redisTemplate.opsForSet().scan(key,scanOptions);while(cursor.hasNext()){String;redisTemplate.opsForSet().remove(...
删除当前库的所有key127.0.0.1:6379>help flushdb FLUSHDB [ASYNC|SYNC] summary: Remove all keys from the current database since:1.0.0group: server 3.15、flushall # 删除当前数据库所有的数据>help flushall FLUSHALL [ASYNC|SYNC] summary: Remove all keys from all databases since:1.0....
keys able to work: 1.Slaves don’t expire keys, instead they wait for masters to expire the keys. When a master expires a key (or evict it because of LRU), it synthesizes a DEL command which is transmitted to all the slaves. 2.However because of master-driven expire, sometimes ...
在Redis执行Rehash或使用槽位分配器时,可以通过执行KEYS命令或使用SCAN迭代器等方式,确保未及时迁移的键被删除,从而释放旧哈希槽中的内存空间。 监控和优化Redis的内存使用情况是关键。定期检查内存占用,并根据需求进行调整和优化,有助于提高Redis实例的性能和稳定性,并避免额外的内存开销。同时,合理设置键的过期时间,可...
)> setex key3 30 "hello" # 设置key3的值为 hello,30秒后过期OK127.0.0.1:6379> ttl key3(integer) 26127.0.0.1:6379> get key3"hello"> setnx mykey "redis" # 如果mykey 不存在,创建mykey(integer) 1127.0.0.1:6379> keys *1) "key2"2) "mykey"3) "key1"...
return'DECR',KEYS[1]) else return -1 end";client.ExecLuaAsString(lua, keys: new[] { "number" }, args: new[] { "ordercount" }); Lua 脚本参数从下标1开始。 8.持久化 把数据以文件的方式保存到硬盘。当服务器宕机的时候可以把数据从硬盘加载回来。 现在redis的持久化方式分两种...