但这种方式,电脑重启后,子系统的ip地址会发生变化,还需要想办法去设置固定ip,操作起来比较麻烦. 这里,我们采用另一种方式:从github上找到了别人开源的redis针对windows操作系统的安装包,接下来我们看下具体是怎样操作的:...
Windows Redis: Reids官网: Linux Copy File Command: Redis Backup:
打开一个cmd窗口 使用 cd 命令切换目录到C:\redis运行: redis-server.exe 如果想方便的话,可以把 redis 的路径加到系统的环境变量里,这样就省得再输路径了,后面的那个 可以省略,如果省略,会启用默认的。输入之后,会显示如下界面: 这时候另启一个 cmd 窗口,原来的不要关...
This must be the first argument on the redis-server command line. Arguments after this are passed in the order they occur to Redis when the service is launched. The service will be configured as Autostart and will be launched as "NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService". Upon successful installation a su...
提到工具下载,可能大家第一反应就是去官网下载,但是redis这个安装包的话,官网没有提供针对windows的一键安装包,官方现在推荐的是采用linux子系统的方式(Windows Subsystem for Linux),具体教程参考官方文档: ...
官网:,网传Redis是不支持windows的,但是,Microsoft开放技术小组 使这一切有了可能 ;window版下载地址: 二、安装和配置Redis 下载Redis For window,加压到指定目录,如下图所示我解压到了D盘 ...
Option 1) Install Redis on Ubuntu on Windows Install Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) From Start, search forTurn Windows features on or off(typeturn) Select Windows Subsystem for Linux (beta) Once installed you can run bash on Ubuntu by typingbashfrom a Windows Command Prompt. To install th...
1.Install Vagrant on Windows 2. Download thevagrant-redis.zipvagrant configuration wget 3. Extractvagrant-redis.zipin any folder, e.g. inc:\vagrant-redis ...
Service installation: Can achieve automatic startup on boot. Please run it as an administrator and change RedisService.exe to the actual directory where it is stored. sc.exe create Redis binpath=C:\Software\Redis\RedisService.exe start= auto ...
Service installation: Can achieve automatic startup on boot. Please run it as an administrator and change RedisService.exe to the actual directory where it is stored. sc.exe create Redis binpath=C:\Software\Redis\RedisService.exe start= auto Start service net start Redis Out of Service net st...