简介 Redis发布订阅 (pub/sub) 是一种消息通信模式:发送者 (pub) 发送消息到频道(channel),订阅者 (sub) 从频道(channel)接收消息。 Redis目前支持普通订阅和模式订阅(glob-style patterns)。下面以普通订阅来了解其实现原理。 普通订阅-发布订阅(pub/sub)的实现原理 订阅关系的存储 Redis服务端使用了字典来存储...
/*Glob-style pattern matching.*/intstringmatchlen(constchar*pattern,intpatternLen,constchar*string,intstringLen,intnocase) {while(patternLen &&stringLen) {switch(pattern[0]) {case'*':while(patternLen && pattern[1] =='*') { pattern++; patternLen--; }if(patternLen ==1)return1;/*match...
# ~<pattern> Add a pattern ofkeysthat can be mentioned as part of# commands.Forinstance ~* allows all thekeys.The pattern# is a glob-style pattern like the one ofKEYS. # It is possible to specify multiple patterns. # %R~<pattern> Add key read pattern that specifies whichkeyscan be ...
SENTINEL SIMULATE-FAILURE (crash-after-election|crash-after-promotion|help)(>= 3.2)该命令模拟不同的Sentinel崩溃场景。 SENTINEL RESET <pattern>此命令将重置所有具有匹配名称的主实例。模式参数是glob样式的模式。重置过程会清除主实例中以前的任何状态(包括正在进行的故障转移),并删除已发现并与主实例关联的每个...
Supported glob-style patterns: h?llo matcheshello,hallo andhxllo h*llo matcheshllo andheeeello h[ae]llo matcheshello andhallo...
KEYS pattern 1. 获取所有匹配pattern参数的Keys。需要说明的是,在我们的正常操作中应该尽量避免对该命令的调用,因为对于大型数据库而言,该命令是非常耗时的,对Redis服务器的性能打击也是比较大的。pattern支持glob-style的通配符格式,如*表示任意一个或多个字符,?表示任意字符,[abc]表示方括号中任意一个字母。 匹配...
pattern支持glob-style的通配符格式,如*表示任意一个或多个字符,?表示任意字符,[abc]表示方括号中任意一个字母。 匹配模式的键列表。 DEL key [key ...] 从数据库删除中参数中指定的keys,如果指定键不存在,则直接忽略。还需要另行指出的是,如果指定的Key关联的数据类型不是String类型,而是List、Set、Hashes和...
* pattern is a glob-style pattern like the one of PSUBSCRIBE. * It is possible to specify multiple patterns. * allchannels Alias for &* * resetchannels Flush the list of allowed keys patterns. * ><password> Add this password to the list of valid password for the user. ...
The pattern # is a glob-style pattern like the one of KEYS. # It is possible to specify multiple patterns. # allkeys Alias for ~* # resetkeys Flush the list of allowed keys patterns. # ><password> Add this passowrd to the list of valid password for the user. # For example >mypas...
Redis pub/sub also has support for pattern matching when subscribing in clients. The PSUBSCRIBE command takes glob-style patterns. For example, if you wanted to subscribe to all messages on the "news." channel, you can use PSUBSCRIBE news.*. If you want to be more specific and only w...