报错原因:Redis服务没有找到log文件 解决方法 在Redis安装目录下打开redis.windows-service.conf文件 搜索logfile,找到logfile存放目录,一般默认为Logs/redis_log.txt 在Redis安装目录创建Logs文件夹,在Logs文件夹下创建re
解决的方法是执行如下命令 systemctlenableredisd //后面是你的服务名 我们可以发现执行成功 执行ss命令可以看到redis的6379端口已经在运行中了. 参考: https://talk.plesk.com/threads/installed-redis-but-giving-error.347689/ linux中systemctl详细理解及常用命令 https://my.oschina.net/5lei/blog/191370...
Redis --|> Startup Command Redis --|> Log File 结论 通过按照上述步骤检查和修改Redis的配置文件、启动命令和日志文件,应该能够解决Redis安装过程中出现的“service failed to start”问题。在解决问题时,确保对每个步骤中的代码进行适当注释,并仔细检查配置文件和日志文件中的设置和错误信息。希望本文能够帮助刚入...
问题解决: Failed to start redis.service: Unit redisd.service not found.,引言这个问题出现在把redis编译安装以后,执行其中的/redis-3.2.3/utils/install_server.sh脚本把redis注册成一个服务以后出现的问题.默认的服务名称
4月 09 16:13:33 localhost.root systemd[1]: Failed to start redis-server. 4月 09 16:13:33 localhost.root systemd[1]: Unit redis.service entered failed state. 4月 09 16:13:33 localhost.root systemd[1]: redis.service failed.
4月 15 22:15:42 roan systemd[16768]: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/lcoal/redis-6.2.1/src/redis-server: No such fil...rectory4月 15 22:15:42 roan systemd[1]: redis.service: control process exited, code=exited status=2034月 15 22:15:42 roan systemd[1]: Failed to start ...
I am trying to use ray[tune] on a linux server where I am just a user without the root permission. After installing ray[tune] and running python code from ray import tune , I got an error message: ImportError: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `...
重启windows无法随机启动redis server 进入wsl控制台,手动执行start_redis_cluster.sh可以启动redis-server 不知道为什么不能随机启动,求助 Actual Behavior 开机进程没有redis-server Diagnostic Logs 没有日志Member craigloewen-msft commented Nov 2, 2021 Hi, this issue is hard for me to understand as it is...
Mar 13 20:34:08 node1.example.com systemd[1]: redis.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Mar 13 20:34:08 node1.example.com systemd[1]: redis.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. The redis.service started failing with error reported on line 171 for logfile...
Aug 12 00:27:07 nextcloudpi systemd[1]: Failed to start Advanced key-value store. I’ve tried to re-install it with no luck. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Robert j12t2019 年8 月 12 日 17:292 ...