keys - Find all keys matching the given pattern scan - Scan for keys in the keyspace (Redis >= 2.8.0) migrate - Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one move - Move a key to another database object - Inspect the internals of Redis objects persist - Remove the ...
具体命令是: redis-cli KEYS "pattern" | xargs redis-cli DEL 其中pattern是keys命令支持的模式,这...
直接返回0 if (now <= when) return 0; /* Delete the key */ // 键已经过期,删除键 server.stat_expiredkeys++; //过期键的数量加1 propagateExpire(db,key); //将过期键key传播给AOF文件和从节点 notifyKeyspaceEvent(NOTIFY_EXPIRED, //发送"expired"事件通知...
通过help [command] 可以查看一个命令的具体用法,例如:> help keys KEYS pattern summary: Find all keys matching the given pattern since: 1.0.0 group: generic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. KEYS:查看符合模板的所有key 在生产环境下,不推荐使用keys 命令,因为这个命令是模糊查询,在key过...
keys :查看符合模板的所有的key,因为是使用的模糊查询,效率非常的低下,所以会影响系统的性能,不建议在生产环境中去使用、>helpkeysKEYSpatternsummary:Findallkeysmatchingthegivenpatternsince:1.0.0group:generic127.0.0.1:6389>KEYS*1)"abc"2)"redis">KEYSa*#查询以a开头的key1)"...
keys() Find all keys matching the given pattern. yii\redis\Connection lastsave() Get the UNIX time stamp of the last successful save to disk. yii\redis\Connection lindex() Get an element from a list by its index. yii\redis\Connection linsert() Insert an element before or after another el...
The DEL key command of Redis is used to delete a single key. To batch delete keys, you can combine the cat and xargs commands of Linux and the DEL command of Redis. If you want to delete keys that have the same prefix or suffix by using fuzzy match logic, we recommend that you use...
$r->keys(pattern)Find all keys matching the given pattern (see$r->migrate(host, port, key, destination-db, timeout, [COPY], [REPLACE])Atomically transfer a key from a Redis instance to another one. (see
RedisHost = "Redis server URI" RedisPort = "Redis port" RedisPassword = "Password to the server" IsACRE = "True if using Azure Cache for Redis Enterprise" AllowAdmin = "True if need to run certain commands" DeleteAllKeysOnLoad = "True if need to delete all keys during load" LoadIniti...