key.decode('utf-8'):将字节形式的 Key 解码为字符串形式。 startswith(prefix):检查 Key 是否以指定的前缀开头。 步骤4: 统计符合条件的 Key 数量 一旦我们找到了所有以指定前缀开头的 Key,就可以统计它们的数量了: # 统计以指定前缀开头的 Key 的数量count=len(prefixed_keys)# 输出结果print(f"以 '{pr...
port=6379,db=0)defcount_keys_with_prefix(prefix):count=0cursor=0whileTrue:cursor,keys=redis_client.scan(cursor,match=f"{prefix}*")count+=len(keys)ifcursor==0:breakreturncount# 示例:查询以 "user:" 为前缀的 key 的数量key_prefix="user:"count=count_keys_with_prefix(key_prefix)print(f"...
break return count redis_host = 'your_redis_host' redis_port = 6379 redis_password = 'your_redis_password' prefix = 'your_prefix' key_count = get_keys_with_prefix(redis_host, redis_port, redis_password, prefix) print(f"The number of keys with prefix '{prefix}' is: {key_count}")...
[LIMIT offset count] 按照字母顺序在区间内返回member min和max使用“[a”表示闭区间,使用“(a”表示开区间 -表示负无穷 +表示正无穷●ZRANGEBYSCORE key min max [WITHSCORES] [LIMIT offset count] 在分数的指定区间内返回数据●ZRANK key member 先对分数进行升序排序,返回member的排名●ZREM key member [...
时间$redis->expireAt('x', time() + 3); keys, getKeys 返回满足给定pattern的所有key $keyWithUserPrefix = $redis->keys('user*'); dbSize 查看现在数据库有多少key $count = $redis->dbSize(); auth 密码认证 $redis->auth('foobared'); bgrewriteaof 使用aof来进行数据库持久化 $redis->...
# - COUNT count:指定返回结果的数量。 # - asc|desc:返回结果按照离中心节点的距离做升序或者降序。 # - store key:将返回结果的地理位置信息保存到指定键。 # - storedist key:将返回结果离中心节点的距离保存到指定键。 georadius key longitude latitude radiusm|km|ft|mi [withcoord] [withdist] [...
📖 key 类型参数会放入KEYS 数组 📖 其它参数会放入ARGV 数组,在脚本中可以从 KEYS 和 ARGV 数组获取这些参数 Lua 语言中下标从 1 开始 (3) 复杂逻辑的 Lua 脚本(业务相关) 📖 获取锁(Redis 缓存)中的线程标识cacheVal 📖 判断是否与当前线程标识一致curVal ...
# WARNING: If you have slaves attached to an instance with maxmemory on, # the size of the output buffers needed to feed the slaves are subtracted # from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will # not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output...
} if (redisProperties.getKeyPrefix() != null) { config = config.prefixKeysWith(redisProperties.getKeyPrefix()); config = config.prefixCacheNameWith(redisProperties.getKeyPrefix()); } if (!redisProperties.isCacheNullValues()) { 0 comments on commit dd99517 Please sign in to comment. Foo...
from the used memory count, so that network problems / resyncs will # not trigger a loop where keys are evicted, and in turn the output # buffer of slaves is full with DELs of keys evicted triggering the deletion # of more keys, and so forth until the database is completely emptied....